#!/usr/bin/env bash test_description='notmuch show --format=raw' . $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1 add_message add_message test_begin_subtest "Attempt to show multiple raw messages" output=$(notmuch show --format=raw "*" 2>&1) test_expect_equal "$output" "Error: search term did not match precisely one message (matched 2 messages)." test_begin_subtest "Show a raw message" output=$(notmuch show --format=raw id:msg-001@notmuch-test-suite | notmuch_date_sanitize) test_expect_equal "$output" "From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> Message-Id: <msg-001@notmuch-test-suite> Subject: Test message #1 Date: GENERATED_DATE This is just a test message (#1)" test_begin_subtest "Show another raw message" output=$(notmuch show --format=raw id:msg-002@notmuch-test-suite | notmuch_date_sanitize) test_expect_equal "$output" "From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> Message-Id: <msg-002@notmuch-test-suite> Subject: Test message #2 Date: GENERATED_DATE This is just a test message (#2)" test_python <<EOF from email.message import EmailMessage for pow in range(10,21): size = 2 ** pow msg = EmailMessage() msg['Subject'] = 'message with {:07d} bytes'.format(size) msg['From'] = 'Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>' msg['To'] = msg['From'] msg['Message-Id'] = 'size-{:07d}@notmuch-test-suite'.format(size) content = "" msg.set_content("\n") padding = size - len(bytes(msg)) lines = [] while padding > 0: line = '.' * min(padding, 72) lines.append(line) padding = padding - len(line) - 1 content ='\n'.join(lines) msg.set_content(content) with open('mail/size-{:07d}'.format(size), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytes(msg)) EOF notmuch new --quiet for pow in {10..20}; do printf -v size "%07d" $((2**$pow)) test_begin_subtest "content, message of size $size" notmuch show --format=raw subject:$size > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file mail/size-$size OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "return value, message of size $size" test_expect_success "notmuch show --format=raw subject:$size > /dev/null" done test_done