;;; notmuch-tag.el --- tag messages within emacs ;; ;; Copyright © Damien Cassou ;; Copyright © Carl Worth ;; ;; This file is part of Notmuch. ;; ;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Notmuch. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;; ;; Authors: Carl Worth <cworth@cworth.org> ;; Damien Cassou <damien.cassou@gmail.com> ;; ;;; Code: ;; (require 'cl) (require 'crm) (require 'notmuch-lib) (define-widget 'notmuch-tag-format-type 'lazy "Customize widget for notmuch-tag-format and friends" :type '(alist :key-type (regexp :tag "Tag") :extra-offset -3 :value-type (radio :format "%v" (const :tag "Hidden" nil) (set :tag "Modified" (string :tag "Display as") (list :tag "Face" :extra-offset -4 (const :format "" :inline t (notmuch-apply-face tag)) (list :format "%v" (const :format "" quote) custom-face-edit)) (list :format "%v" :extra-offset -4 (const :format "" :inline t (notmuch-tag-format-image-data tag)) (choice :tag "Image" (const :tag "Star" (notmuch-tag-star-icon)) (const :tag "Empty star" (notmuch-tag-star-empty-icon)) (const :tag "Tag" (notmuch-tag-tag-icon)) (string :tag "Custom"))) (sexp :tag "Custom"))))) (defface notmuch-tag-unread '((t :foreground "red")) "Default face used for the unread tag. Used in the default value of `notmuch-tag-formats`." :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-tag-flagged '((t :foreground "blue")) "Face used for the flagged tag. Used in the default value of `notmuch-tag-formats`." :group 'notmuch-faces) (defcustom notmuch-tag-formats '(("unread" (propertize tag 'face 'notmuch-tag-unread)) ("flagged" (propertize tag 'face 'notmuch-tag-flagged) (notmuch-tag-format-image-data tag (notmuch-tag-star-icon)))) "Custom formats for individual tags. This is an association list that maps from tag name regexps to lists of formatting expressions. The first entry whose car regexp-matches a tag will be used to format that tag. The regexp is implicitly anchored, so to match a literal tag name, just use that tag name (if it contains special regexp characters like \".\" or \"*\", these have to be escaped). The cdr of the matching entry gives a list of Elisp expressions that modify the tag. If the list is empty, the tag will simply be hidden. Otherwise, each expression will be evaluated in order: for the first expression, the variable `tag' will be bound to the tag name; for each later expression, the variable `tag' will be bound to the result of the previous expression. In this way, each expression can build on the formatting performed by the previous expression. The result of the last expression will displayed in place of the tag. For example, to replace a tag with another string, simply use that string as a formatting expression. To change the foreground of a tag to red, use the expression (propertize tag 'face '(:foreground \"red\")) See also `notmuch-tag-format-image', which can help replace tags with images." :group 'notmuch-search :group 'notmuch-show :group 'notmuch-faces :type 'notmuch-tag-format-type) (defface notmuch-tag-deleted '((((class color) (supports :strike-through)) :strike-through "red") (t :inverse-video t)) "Face used to display deleted tags. Used in the default value of `notmuch-tag-deleted-formats`." :group 'notmuch-faces) (defcustom notmuch-tag-deleted-formats '(("unread" (notmuch-apply-face bare-tag `notmuch-tag-deleted)) (".*" (notmuch-apply-face tag `notmuch-tag-deleted))) "Custom formats for tags when deleted. For deleted tags the formats in `notmuch-tag-formats` are applied first and then these formats are applied on top; that is `tag' passed to the function is the tag with all these previous formattings applied. The formatted can access the original unformatted tag as `bare-tag'. By default this shows deleted tags with strike-through in red, unless strike-through is not available (e.g., emacs is running in a terminal) in which case it uses inverse video. To hide deleted tags completely set this to '((\".*\" nil)) See `notmuch-tag-formats' for full documentation." :group 'notmuch-show :group 'notmuch-faces :type 'notmuch-tag-format-type) (defface notmuch-tag-added '((t :underline "green")) "Default face used for added tags. Used in the default value for `notmuch-tag-added-formats`." :group 'notmuch-faces) (defcustom notmuch-tag-added-formats '((".*" (notmuch-apply-face tag 'notmuch-tag-added))) "Custom formats for tags when added. For added tags the formats in `notmuch-tag-formats` are applied first and then these formats are applied on top. To disable special formatting of added tags, set this variable to nil. See `notmuch-tag-formats' for full documentation." :group 'notmuch-show :group 'notmuch-faces :type 'notmuch-tag-format-type) (defun notmuch-tag-format-image-data (tag data) "Replace TAG with image DATA, if available. This function returns a propertized string that will display image DATA in place of TAG.This is designed for use in `notmuch-tag-formats'. DATA is the content of an SVG picture (e.g., as returned by `notmuch-tag-star-icon')." (propertize tag 'display `(image :type svg :data ,data :ascent center :mask heuristic))) (defun notmuch-tag-star-icon () "Return SVG data representing a star icon. This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'." "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?> <svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"> <g transform=\"translate(-242.81601,-315.59635)\"> <path d=\"m 290.25762,334.31206 -17.64143,-11.77975 -19.70508,7.85447 5.75171,-20.41814 -13.55925,-16.31348 21.19618,-0.83936 11.325,-17.93675 7.34825,19.89939 20.55849,5.22795 -16.65471,13.13786 z\" transform=\"matrix(0.2484147,-0.02623394,0.02623394,0.2484147,174.63605,255.37691)\" style=\"fill:#ffff00;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\" /> </g> </svg>") (defun notmuch-tag-star-empty-icon () "Return SVG data representing an empty star icon. This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'." "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?> <svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"> <g transform=\"translate(-242.81601,-315.59635)\"> <path d=\"m 290.25762,334.31206 -17.64143,-11.77975 -19.70508,7.85447 5.75171,-20.41814 -13.55925,-16.31348 21.19618,-0.83936 11.325,-17.93675 7.34825,19.89939 20.55849,5.22795 -16.65471,13.13786 z\" transform=\"matrix(0.2484147,-0.02623394,0.02623394,0.2484147,174.63605,255.37691)\" style=\"fill:#d6d6d1;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\" /> </g> </svg>") (defun notmuch-tag-tag-icon () "Return SVG data representing a tag icon. This can be used with `notmuch-tag-format-image-data'." "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?> <svg version=\"1.1\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"> <g transform=\"translate(0,-1036.3622)\"> <path d=\"m 0.44642857,1040.9336 12.50000043,0 2.700893,3.6161 -2.700893,3.616 -12.50000043,0 z\" style=\"fill:#ffff00;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.25;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1\" /> </g> </svg>") (defvar notmuch-tag--format-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal) "Cache of tag format lookup. Internal to `notmuch-tag-format-tag'.") (defun notmuch-tag-clear-cache () "Clear the internal cache of tag formats." (clrhash notmuch-tag--format-cache)) (defun notmuch-tag--get-formats (tag format-alist) "Find the first item whose car regexp-matches TAG." (save-match-data ;; Don't use assoc-default since there's no way to distinguish a ;; missing key from a present key with a null cdr. (assoc* tag format-alist :test (lambda (tag key) (and (eq (string-match key tag) 0) (= (match-end 0) (length tag))))))) (defun notmuch-tag--do-format (tag formatted-tag formats) "Apply a tag-formats entry to TAG." (cond ((null formats) ;; - Tag not in `formats', formatted-tag) ;; the format is the tag itself. ((null (cdr formats)) ;; - Tag was deliberately hidden, nil) ;; no format must be returned (t ;; Tag was found and has formats, we must apply all the ;; formats. TAG may be null so treat that as a special case. (let ((bare-tag tag) (tag (copy-sequence (or formatted-tag "")))) (dolist (format (cdr formats)) (setq tag (eval format))) (if (and (null formatted-tag) (equal tag "")) nil tag))))) (defun notmuch-tag-format-tag (tags orig-tags tag) "Format TAG according to `notmuch-tag-formats'. TAGS and ORIG-TAGS are lists of the current tags and the original tags; tags which have been deleted (i.e., are in ORIG-TAGS but are not in TAGS) are shown using formats from `notmuch-tag-deleted-formats'; tags which have been added (i.e., are in TAGS but are not in ORIG-TAGS) are shown using formats from `notmuch-tag-added-formats' and tags which have not been changed (the normal case) are shown using formats from `notmuch-tag-formats'" (let* ((tag-state (cond ((not (member tag tags)) 'deleted) ((not (member tag orig-tags)) 'added))) (formatted-tag (gethash (cons tag tag-state) notmuch-tag--format-cache 'missing))) (when (eq formatted-tag 'missing) (let ((base (notmuch-tag--get-formats tag notmuch-tag-formats)) (over (case tag-state (deleted (notmuch-tag--get-formats tag notmuch-tag-deleted-formats)) (added (notmuch-tag--get-formats tag notmuch-tag-added-formats)) (otherwise nil)))) (setq formatted-tag (notmuch-tag--do-format tag tag base)) (setq formatted-tag (notmuch-tag--do-format tag formatted-tag over)) (puthash (cons tag tag-state) formatted-tag notmuch-tag--format-cache))) formatted-tag)) (defun notmuch-tag-format-tags (tags orig-tags &optional face) "Return a string representing formatted TAGS." (let ((face (or face 'notmuch-tag-face)) (all-tags (sort (delete-dups (append tags orig-tags nil)) #'string<))) (notmuch-apply-face (mapconcat #'identity ;; nil indicated that the tag was deliberately hidden (delq nil (mapcar (apply-partially #'notmuch-tag-format-tag tags orig-tags) all-tags)) " ") face t))) (defcustom notmuch-before-tag-hook nil "Hooks that are run before tags of a message are modified. 'tag-changes' will contain the tags that are about to be added or removed as a list of strings of the form \"+TAG\" or \"-TAG\". 'query' will be a string containing the search query that determines the messages that are about to be tagged" :type 'hook :options '(notmuch-hl-line-mode) :group 'notmuch-hooks) (defcustom notmuch-after-tag-hook nil "Hooks that are run after tags of a message are modified. 'tag-changes' will contain the tags that were added or removed as a list of strings of the form \"+TAG\" or \"-TAG\". 'query' will be a string containing the search query that determines the messages that were tagged" :type 'hook :options '(notmuch-hl-line-mode) :group 'notmuch-hooks) (defvar notmuch-select-tag-history nil "Variable to store minibuffer history for `notmuch-select-tag-with-completion' function.") (defvar notmuch-read-tag-changes-history nil "Variable to store minibuffer history for `notmuch-read-tag-changes' function.") (defun notmuch-tag-completions (&rest search-terms) "Return a list of tags for messages matching SEARCH-TERMS. Returns all tags if no search terms are given." (if (null search-terms) (setq search-terms (list "*"))) (split-string (with-output-to-string (with-current-buffer standard-output (apply 'call-process notmuch-command nil t nil "search" "--output=tags" "--exclude=false" search-terms))) "\n+" t)) (defun notmuch-select-tag-with-completion (prompt &rest search-terms) (let ((tag-list (apply #'notmuch-tag-completions search-terms))) (completing-read prompt tag-list nil nil nil 'notmuch-select-tag-history))) (defun notmuch-read-tag-changes (current-tags &optional prompt initial-input) "Prompt for tag changes in the minibuffer. CURRENT-TAGS is a list of tags that are present on the message or messages to be changed. These are offered as tag removal completions. CURRENT-TAGS may contain duplicates. PROMPT, if non-nil, is the query string to present in the minibuffer. It defaults to \"Tags\". INITIAL-INPUT, if non-nil, will be the initial input in the minibuffer." (let* ((all-tag-list (notmuch-tag-completions)) (add-tag-list (mapcar (apply-partially 'concat "+") all-tag-list)) (remove-tag-list (mapcar (apply-partially 'concat "-") current-tags)) (tag-list (append add-tag-list remove-tag-list)) (prompt (concat (or prompt "Tags") " (+add -drop): ")) (crm-separator " ") ;; By default, space is bound to "complete word" function. ;; Re-bind it to insert a space instead. Note that <tab> ;; still does the completion. (crm-local-completion-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map crm-local-completion-map) (define-key map " " 'self-insert-command) map))) (delete "" (completing-read-multiple prompt ;; Append the separator to each completion so when the ;; user completes a tag they can immediately begin ;; entering another. `completing-read-multiple' ;; ultimately splits the input on crm-separator, so we ;; don't need to strip this back off (we just need to ;; delete "empty" entries caused by trailing spaces). (mapcar (lambda (tag-op) (concat tag-op crm-separator)) tag-list) nil nil initial-input 'notmuch-read-tag-changes-history)))) (defun notmuch-update-tags (tags tag-changes) "Return a copy of TAGS with additions and removals from TAG-CHANGES. TAG-CHANGES must be a list of tags names, each prefixed with either a \"+\" to indicate the tag should be added to TAGS if not present or a \"-\" to indicate that the tag should be removed from TAGS if present." (let ((result-tags (copy-sequence tags))) (dolist (tag-change tag-changes) (let ((op (string-to-char tag-change)) (tag (unless (string= tag-change "") (substring tag-change 1)))) (case op (?+ (unless (member tag result-tags) (push tag result-tags))) (?- (setq result-tags (delete tag result-tags))) (otherwise (error "Changed tag must be of the form `+this_tag' or `-that_tag'"))))) (sort result-tags 'string<))) (defconst notmuch-tag-argument-limit 1000 "Use batch tagging if the tagging query is longer than this. This limits the length of arguments passed to the notmuch CLI to avoid system argument length limits and performance problems.") (defun notmuch-tag (query tag-changes) "Add/remove tags in TAG-CHANGES to messages matching QUERY. QUERY should be a string containing the search-terms. TAG-CHANGES is a list of strings of the form \"+tag\" or \"-tag\" to add or remove tags, respectively. Note: Other code should always use this function alter tags of messages instead of running (notmuch-call-notmuch-process \"tag\" ..) directly, so that hooks specified in notmuch-before-tag-hook and notmuch-after-tag-hook will be run." ;; Perform some validation (mapc (lambda (tag-change) (unless (string-match-p "^[-+]\\S-+$" tag-change) (error "Tag must be of the form `+this_tag' or `-that_tag'"))) tag-changes) (unless query (error "Nothing to tag!")) (unless (null tag-changes) (run-hooks 'notmuch-before-tag-hook) (if (<= (length query) notmuch-tag-argument-limit) (apply 'notmuch-call-notmuch-process "tag" (append tag-changes (list "--" query))) ;; Use batch tag mode to avoid argument length limitations (let ((batch-op (concat (mapconcat #'notmuch-hex-encode tag-changes " ") " -- " query))) (notmuch-call-notmuch-process :stdin-string batch-op "tag" "--batch"))) (run-hooks 'notmuch-after-tag-hook))) (defun notmuch-tag-change-list (tags &optional reverse) "Convert TAGS into a list of tag changes. Add a \"+\" prefix to any tag in TAGS list that doesn't already begin with a \"+\" or a \"-\". If REVERSE is non-nil, replace all \"+\" prefixes with \"-\" and vice versa in the result." (mapcar (lambda (str) (let ((s (if (string-match "^[+-]" str) str (concat "+" str)))) (if reverse (concat (if (= (string-to-char s) ?-) "+" "-") (substring s 1)) s))) tags)) ;; (provide 'notmuch-tag) ;; Local Variables: ;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions) ;; End: