#!/usr/bin/env bash test_description='"notmuch insert"' . $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1 test_require_external_prereq gdb # Create directories and database before inserting. mkdir -p "$MAIL_DIR"/{cur,new,tmp} mkdir -p "$MAIL_DIR"/Drafts/{cur,new,tmp} notmuch new > /dev/null # We use generate_message to create the temporary message files. # They happen to be in the mail directory already but that is okay # since we do not call notmuch new hereafter. gen_insert_msg() { generate_message \ "[subject]=\"insert-subject\"" \ "[date]=\"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000\"" \ "[body]=\"insert-message\"" } test_begin_subtest "Insert zero-length file" test_expect_code 1 "notmuch insert < /dev/null" # This test is a proxy for other errors that may occur while trying to # add a message to the notmuch database, e.g. database locked. test_begin_subtest "Insert non-message" test_expect_code 1 "echo bad_message | notmuch insert" test_begin_subtest "Database empty so far" test_expect_equal "0" "`notmuch count --output=messages '*'`" test_begin_subtest "Insert message" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert < "$gen_msg_filename" cur_msg_filename=$(notmuch search --output=files "subject:insert-subject") test_expect_equal_file "$cur_msg_filename" "$gen_msg_filename" test_begin_subtest "Insert message adds default tags" output=$(notmuch show --format=json "subject:insert-subject") expected='[[[{ "id": "'"${gen_msg_id}"'", "match": true, "excluded": false, "filename": ["'"${cur_msg_filename}"'"], "timestamp": 946728000, "date_relative": "2000-01-01", "tags": ["inbox","unread"], "headers": { "Subject": "insert-subject", "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>", "To": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>", "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"}, "body": [{"id": 1, "content-type": "text/plain", "content": "insert-message\n"}]}, []]]]' test_expect_equal_json "$output" "$expected" test_begin_subtest "Insert duplicate message" notmuch insert +duptag -unread < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$((`notmuch search --output=files "subject:insert-subject" | wc -l`)) test_expect_equal "$output" 2 test_begin_subtest "Duplicate message does not change tags" output=$(notmuch search --format=json --output=tags "subject:insert-subject") test_expect_equal_json "$output" '["inbox", "unread"]' test_begin_subtest "Insert message, add tag" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert +custom < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=messages tag:custom) test_expect_equal "$output" "id:$gen_msg_id" test_begin_subtest "Insert message, add/remove tags" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert +custom -unread < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=messages tag:custom NOT tag:unread) test_expect_equal "$output" "id:$gen_msg_id" test_begin_subtest "Insert message with default tags stays in new/" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:$gen_msg_id) dirname=$(dirname "$output") test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/new" test_begin_subtest "Insert message with non-maildir synced tags stays in new/" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert +custom -inbox < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:$gen_msg_id) dirname=$(dirname "$output") test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/new" test_begin_subtest "Insert message with custom new.tags goes to cur/" OLDCONFIG=$(notmuch config get new.tags) notmuch config set new.tags test gen_insert_msg notmuch insert < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:$gen_msg_id) dirname=$(dirname "$output") notmuch config set new.tags $OLDCONFIG test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/cur" # additional check on the previous message test_begin_subtest "Insert message with custom new.tags actually gets the tags" output=$(notmuch search --output=tags id:$gen_msg_id) test_expect_equal "$output" "test" test_begin_subtest "Insert message with maildir synced tags goes to cur/" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert +flagged < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:$gen_msg_id) dirname=$(dirname "$output") test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/cur" test_begin_subtest "Insert message with maildir sync off goes to new/" OLDCONFIG=$(notmuch config get maildir.synchronize_flags) notmuch config set maildir.synchronize_flags false gen_insert_msg notmuch insert +flagged < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:$gen_msg_id) dirname=$(dirname "$output") notmuch config set maildir.synchronize_flags $OLDCONFIG test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/new" test_begin_subtest "Insert message into folder" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=Drafts < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files path:Drafts/new) dirname=$(dirname "$output") test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/Drafts/new" test_begin_subtest "Insert message into folder with trailing /" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=Drafts/ < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files id:${gen_msg_id}) dirname=$(dirname "$output") test_expect_equal "$dirname" "$MAIL_DIR/Drafts/new" test_begin_subtest "Insert message into folder, add/remove tags" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=Drafts +draft -unread < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=messages path:Drafts/cur tag:draft NOT tag:unread) test_expect_equal "$output" "id:$gen_msg_id" test_begin_subtest "Insert message into non-existent folder" gen_insert_msg test_expect_code 1 "notmuch insert --folder=nonesuch < $gen_msg_filename" test_begin_subtest "Insert message, create folder" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=F --create-folder +folder < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files path:F/new tag:folder) basename=$(basename "$output") test_expect_equal_file "$gen_msg_filename" "$MAIL_DIR/F/new/${basename}" test_begin_subtest "Insert message, create subfolder" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=F/G/H/I/J --create-folder +folder < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch search --output=files path:F/G/H/I/J/new tag:folder) basename=$(basename "$output") test_expect_equal_file "$gen_msg_filename" "${MAIL_DIR}/F/G/H/I/J/new/${basename}" test_begin_subtest "Insert message, create existing subfolder" gen_insert_msg notmuch insert --folder=F/G/H/I/J --create-folder +folder < "$gen_msg_filename" output=$(notmuch count path:F/G/H/I/J/new tag:folder) test_expect_equal "$output" "2" test_begin_subtest "Insert message, create invalid subfolder" gen_insert_msg test_expect_code 1 "notmuch insert --folder=../G --create-folder $gen_msg_filename" OLDCONFIG=$(notmuch config get new.tags) test_begin_subtest "Empty tags in new.tags are forbidden" notmuch config set new.tags "foo;;bar" gen_insert_msg output=$(notmuch insert $gen_msg_filename 2>&1) test_expect_equal "$output" "Error: tag '' in new.tags: empty tag forbidden" test_begin_subtest "Tags starting with '-' in new.tags are forbidden" notmuch config set new.tags "-foo;bar" gen_insert_msg output=$(notmuch insert $gen_msg_filename 2>&1) test_expect_equal "$output" "Error: tag '-foo' in new.tags: tag starting with '-' forbidden" test_begin_subtest "Invalid tags set exit code" test_expect_code 1 "notmuch insert $gen_msg_filename 2>&1" notmuch config set new.tags $OLDCONFIG # DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID is not tested here, because it should actually pass. for code in OUT_OF_MEMORY XAPIAN_EXCEPTION FILE_NOT_EMAIL \ READ_ONLY_DATABASE UPGRADE_REQUIRED PATH_ERROR; do cat <<EOF > index-file-$code.gdb set breakpoint pending on set logging file index-file-$code.log set logging on break notmuch_database_index_file commands return NOTMUCH_STATUS_$code continue end run EOF done gen_insert_msg for code in FILE_NOT_EMAIL READ_ONLY_DATABASE UPGRADE_REQUIRED PATH_ERROR; do test_begin_subtest "EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns $code" test_expect_code 1 \ "${TEST_GDB} --batch-silent --return-child-result \ -ex 'set args insert < $gen_msg_filename' \ -x index-file-$code.gdb notmuch" test_begin_subtest "success exit with --keep when index_file returns $code" test_expect_code 0 \ "${TEST_GDB} --batch-silent --return-child-result \ -ex 'set args insert --keep < $gen_msg_filename' \ -x index-file-$code.gdb notmuch" done for code in OUT_OF_MEMORY XAPIAN_EXCEPTION ; do test_begin_subtest "EX_TEMPFAIL when index_file returns $code" test_expect_code 75 \ "${TEST_GDB} --batch-silent --return-child-result \ -ex 'set args insert < $gen_msg_filename' \ -x index-file-$code.gdb notmuch" test_begin_subtest "success exit with --keep when index_file returns $code" test_expect_code 0 \ "${TEST_GDB} --batch-silent --return-child-result \ -ex 'set args insert --keep < $gen_msg_filename' \ -x index-file-$code.gdb notmuch" done test_done