#!/bin/sh :; set -x; exec "${EMACS:-emacs}" --debug-init --load "$0" "$@"; exit ;; ;; Try the notmuch emacs client located in ../emacs/ directory ;; ;; Run this without arguments; emacs window opens with some usage information ;; ;; Authors: Tomi Ollila <tomi.ollila@iki.fi> ;; ;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsScripts was a useful starting point... ;; ;; Licence: GPLv3+ ;; (message "Starting '%s'" load-file-name) (set-buffer "*scratch*") (setq initial-buffer-choice nil inhibit-startup-screen t) (when (featurep 'notmuch) (insert " Notmuch has been loaded to this emacs (during processing of the init file) which means it is (most probably) loaded from different source than expected. Please run \"" (file-name-nondirectory load-file-name) "\" with '-q' (or '-Q') as an argument, to disable processing of the init file -- you can load it after emacs has started\n exit emacs (y or n)? ") (if (y-or-n-p "exit emacs") (kill-emacs) (error "Stopped reading %s" load-file-name))) (let ((pdir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))))) (unless (file-exists-p (concat pdir "emacs/notmuch-lib.el")) (insert "Cannot find notmuch-emacs source directory while looking at: " pdir "emacs\n\nexit emacs (y or n)? ") (if (y-or-n-p "exit emacs") (kill-emacs) (error "Stopped reading %s" load-file-name))) (setq try-notmuch-source-directory (directory-file-name pdir) try-notmuch-emacs-directory (concat pdir "emacs/") load-path (cons try-notmuch-emacs-directory load-path))) ;; they say advice doesn't work for primitives (functions from c source) ;; well, these 'before' advice works for emacs 23.1 - 24.5 (at least) ;; ...and for our purposes 24.3 is enough (there is no load-prefer-newer there) ;; note also that the old, "obsolete" defadvice mechanism was used, but that ;; is the only one available for emacs 23 and 24 up to 24.3. (if (boundp 'load-prefer-newer) (defadvice require (before before-require activate) (unless (featurep feature) (message "require: %s" feature))) ;; else: special require "short-circuit"; after load feature is provided... ;; ... in notmuch sources we always use require and there are no loops (defadvice require (before before-require activate) (unless (featurep feature) (message "require: %s" feature) (let ((name (symbol-name feature))) (if (and (string-match "^notmuch" name) (file-newer-than-file-p (concat try-notmuch-emacs-directory name ".el") (concat try-notmuch-emacs-directory name ".elc"))) (load (concat try-notmuch-emacs-directory name ".el") nil nil t t) ))))) (insert "Found notmuch emacs client in " try-notmuch-emacs-directory "\n") (let ((notmuch-path (executable-find "notmuch"))) (insert "Notmuch CLI executable " (if notmuch-path (concat "is " notmuch-path) "not found!") "\n")) (condition-case err ;; "opportunistic" load-prefer-newer -- will be effective since emacs 24.4 (let ((load-prefer-newer t) (force-load-messages t)) (require 'notmuch)) ;; specifying `debug' here lets the debugger run ;; if `debug-on-error' is non-nil. ((debug error) (let ((error-message-string (error-message-string err))) (insert "\nLoading notmuch failed: " error-message-string "\n") (message "Loading notmuch failed: %s" error-message-string) (insert "See *Messages* buffer for more information.\n") (if init-file-user (message "Hint: %s -q (or -Q) may help" load-file-name)) (pop-to-buffer "*Messages*") (error "Stopped reading %s" load-file-name)))) (insert " Go to the end of the following lines and type C-x C-e to evaluate (or C-j which is shorter but inserts evaluation results into buffer) To \"disable\" mail sending, evaluate * (setq message-send-mail-function (lambda () t)) ") (if (file-exists-p (concat try-notmuch-source-directory "/notmuch")) (insert " To use accompanied notmuch binary from the same source, evaluate * (setq exec-path (cons \"" try-notmuch-source-directory "\" exec-path)) Note: Evaluating the above may be followed by unintended database upgrade and getting back to old version may require dump & restore. ")) (if init-file-user ;; nil, if '-q' or '-Q' is given, but no '-u' 'USER' (insert " Your init file was processed during emacs startup. If you want to test notmuch emacs mail client without your emacs init file interfering, Run\n\"" (file-name-nondirectory load-file-name) "\" with '-q' (or '-Q') as an argument. ") (let ((emacs-init-file-name) (notmuch-init-file-name)) ;; determining init file name in startup.el/command-line is too complicated ;; to be duplicated here; these 3 file names covers most of the users (mapc (lambda (fn) (if (file-exists-p fn) (setq emacs-init-file-name fn))) '("~/.emacs.d/init.el" "~/.emacs" "~/.emacs.el")) (setq notmuch-init-file-name "~/.emacs.d/notmuch-config.el") (unless (file-exists-p notmuch-init-file-name) (setq notmuch-init-file-name nil)) (if (and emacs-init-file-name notmuch-init-file-name) (insert " If you want to load your initialization files now, evaluate\n* (progn") (if (or emacs-init-file-name notmuch-init-file-name) (insert " If you want to load your initialization file now, evaluate\n*"))) (if emacs-init-file-name (insert " (load \"" emacs-init-file-name "\")")) (if notmuch-init-file-name (insert " (load \"" notmuch-init-file-name "\")")) (if (and emacs-init-file-name notmuch-init-file-name) (insert ")")) (if (or emacs-init-file-name notmuch-init-file-name) (insert "\n"))) (if (>= emacs-major-version 24) (insert " If you want to use packages (e.g. company from elpa) evaluate * (progn (require 'package) (package-initialize)) "))) (insert " To start notmuch (hello) screen, evaluate * (notmuch-hello)") (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda () (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (lisp-interaction-mode) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 2) (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))) ;; Local Variables: ;; mode: emacs-lisp ;; End: