#!/usr/bin/env bash

# - decryption/verification with signer key not available
# - verification of signatures from expired/revoked keys

test_description='PGP/MIME signature verification and decryption'
. $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1
. $NOTMUCH_SRCDIR/test/test-lib-emacs.sh || exit 1



test_begin_subtest "emacs delivery of signed message via fcc"
test_expect_success \
'emacs_fcc_message \
    "test signed message 001" \
    "This is a test signed message." \

test_begin_subtest "emacs delivery of signed message via fcc and smtp"
emacs_deliver_message \
    'signed message sent via SMTP' \
    'This is a test that messages are sent via SMTP' \
    "(add-hook 'message-send-mail-hook (lambda () (sleep-for 1)))
msg_file=$(notmuch search --output=files subject:signed-message-sent-via-SMTP)
test_expect_equal_message_body sent_message "$msg_file"

test_begin_subtest "signed part content-type indexing"
notmuch search mimetype:multipart/signed and mimetype:application/pgp-signature | notmuch_search_sanitize > OUTPUT
thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; test signed message 001 (inbox signed)
thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; signed message sent via SMTP (inbox signed)
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT

test_begin_subtest "signature verification"
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|g')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{ "status": "good", "created": 946728000, "email": "'"$SELF_EMAIL"'", "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'", "userid": "'"$SELF_USERID"'"}]}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
 "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
 "created": 946728000,
 "email": "'"$SELF_EMAIL"'",
 "userid": "'"$SELF_USERID"'"}],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "detection of modified signed contents"
emacs_fcc_message \
    "bad signed message 001" \
    "Incriminating stuff. This is a test signed message." \

file=$(notmuch search --output=files subject:"bad signed message 001")

sed -i 's/Incriminating stuff. //' ${file}

output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"bad signed message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{ "status": "bad", "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'"}]}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "bad signed message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "bad",
 "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'"}],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "corrupted pgp/mime signature"
emacs_fcc_message \
    "bad signed message 002" \
    "Incriminating stuff. This is a test signed message." \

file=$(notmuch search --output=files subject:"bad signed message 002")

awk '/-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/{flag=1;print;next} \
     /-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----/{flag=0;print;next} \
     flag{gsub(/[A-Za-z]/,"0");print}!flag{print}' $file > $file.new

rm $file
mv $file.new $file

output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"bad signed message 002" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "crypto": {},
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "headers": {"Subject": "bad signed message 002",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "Incriminating stuff. This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "signature verification without full user ID validity"
# give the key no owner trust, removes validity on all user IDs of the
# certificate in the absence of other trusted certifiers:
gpg --quiet --batch --no-tty --export-ownertrust > "$GNUPGHOME/ownertrust.bak"
echo "${FINGERPRINT}:3:" | gpg --quiet --batch --no-tty --import-ownertrust
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|g')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{ "status": "good", "created": 946728000, "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'"}]}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
 "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
 "created": 946728000}],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \
gpg --quiet --batch --no-tty --import-ownertrust < "$GNUPGHOME/ownertrust.bak"

test_begin_subtest "signature verification with signer key unavailable"
# move the gnupghome temporarily out of the way
mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{,.bak}
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|g')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{"errors": {"key-missing": true}, "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'", "status": "error"}]}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "error",
 "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'",
 "errors": {"key-missing": true}}],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \
mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{.bak,}

test_begin_subtest "emacs delivery of encrypted message with attachment"
# create a test encrypted message with attachment
This is a test file.
test_expect_success \
'emacs_fcc_message \
    "test encrypted message 001" \
    "This is a test encrypted message.\n" \
    "(mml-attach-file \"TESTATTACHMENT\") (mml-secure-message-encrypt)"'

test_begin_subtest "encrypted part content-type indexing"
output=$(notmuch search mimetype:multipart/encrypted and mimetype:application/pgp-encrypted and mimetype:application/octet-stream | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX   2000-01-01 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; test encrypted message 001 (encrypted inbox)"

test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=text"
output=$(notmuch show --format=text --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
    | notmuch_show_sanitize_all \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='message{ id:XXXXX depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:XXXXX
Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> (2000-01-01) (encrypted inbox)
Subject: test encrypted message 001
From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
To: test_suite@notmuchmail.org
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000
part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/encrypted
part{ ID: 2, Content-type: application/pgp-encrypted
Non-text part: application/pgp-encrypted
part{ ID: 3, Content-type: multipart/mixed
part{ ID: 4, Content-type: text/plain
This is a test encrypted message.
attachment{ ID: 5, Filename: TESTATTACHMENT, Content-type: application/octet-stream
Non-text part: application/octet-stream
test_expect_equal \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=json"
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["encrypted","inbox"],
 "crypto": {"decrypted": {"status": "full"}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "encstatus": [{"status": "good"}],
 "content-type": "multipart/encrypted",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-encrypted",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "multipart/mixed",
 "content": [{"id": 4,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test encrypted message.\n"},
 {"id": 5,
 "content-type": "application/octet-stream",
 "content-disposition": "attachment",
 "content-length": "NONZERO",
 "content-transfer-encoding": "base64",
 "filename": "TESTATTACHMENT"}]}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=json, --part=4"
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --part=4 --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='{"id": 4,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test encrypted message.\n"}'
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "decrypt attachment (--part=5 --format=raw)"
notmuch show \
    --format=raw \
    --part=5 \
    --decrypt=true \
    subject:"test encrypted message 001" >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file TESTATTACHMENT OUTPUT

test_begin_subtest "decryption failure with missing key"
mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{,.bak}
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "crypto": {},
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["encrypted","inbox"],
 "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "encstatus": [{"status": "bad"}],
 "content-type": "multipart/encrypted",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-encrypted",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/octet-stream",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \
mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{.bak,}

test_begin_subtest "emacs delivery of encrypted + signed message"
test_expect_success \
'emacs_fcc_message \
    "test encrypted message 002" \
    "This is another test encrypted message.\n" \

test_begin_subtest "decryption + signature verification"
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 002" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|g')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["encrypted","inbox"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{ "status": "good", "created": 946728000, "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'", "email": "'"$SELF_EMAIL"'", "userid": "'"$SELF_USERID"'"}],
                       "encrypted": true },
            "decrypted": {"status": "full"}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 002",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "encstatus": [{"status": "good"}],
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
 "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
 "created": 946728000,
 "email": "'"$SELF_EMAIL"'",
 "userid": "'"$SELF_USERID"'"}],
 "content-type": "multipart/encrypted",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-encrypted",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is another test encrypted message.\n"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "reply to encrypted message"
output=$(notmuch reply --decrypt=true subject:"test encrypted message 002" \
    | notmuch_drop_mail_headers In-Reply-To References)
expected='From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
Subject: Re: test encrypted message 002
To: test_suite@notmuchmail.org

On 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000, Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> wrote:
> This is another test encrypted message.'
test_expect_equal \
    "$output" \

test_begin_subtest "Reply within emacs to an encrypted message"
test_emacs "(let ((message-hidden-headers '())
      (notmuch-crypto-process-mime 't))
  (notmuch-show \"subject:test.encrypted.message.002\")
grep -v -e '^In-Reply-To:' -e '^References:' -e '^Fcc:' < OUTPUT > OUTPUT.clean
From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
To: test_suite@notmuchmail.org
Subject: Re: test encrypted message 002
--text follows this line--
<#secure method=pgpmime mode=signencrypt>
Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> writes:

> This is another test encrypted message.
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT.clean

test_begin_subtest "signature verification with revoked key"
# generate revocation certificate and load it to revoke key
echo "y
Notmuch Test Suite key revocation (automated) $(date '+%F_%T%z')


" \
    | gpg --no-tty --quiet --command-fd 0 --armor --gen-revoke "0x${FINGERPRINT}!" 2>/dev/null \
    | gpg --no-tty --quiet --import
output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
 "match": true,
 "excluded": false,
 "filename": ["YYYYY"],
 "timestamp": 946728000,
 "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
 "tags": ["inbox","signed"],
 "crypto": {"signed": {"status": [{"errors": {"key-revoked": true}, "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'", "status": "error"}]}},
 "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
 "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>",
 "To": "test_suite@notmuchmail.org",
 "Date": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 +0000"},
 "body": [{"id": 1,
 "sigstatus": [{"status": "error",
 "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'",
 "errors": {"key-revoked": true}}],
 "content-type": "multipart/signed",
 "content": [{"id": 2,
 "content-type": "text/plain",
 "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"},
 {"id": 3,
 "content-type": "application/pgp-signature",
 "content-length": "NONZERO"}]}]},
test_expect_equal_json \
    "$output" \
