#compdef notmuch -p notmuch-*

# ZSH completion for `notmuch`
# Copyright © 2018 Vincent Breitmoser <look@my.amazin.horse>

_notmuch_command() {
  local -a notmuch_commands
    'help:display documentation for a subcommand'
    'setup:interactively configure notmuch'

    'address:output addresses from matching messages'
    'compact:compact the notmuch database'
    'config:access notmuch configuration file'
    'count:count messages matching the given search terms'
    'dump:creates a plain-text dump of the tags of each message'
    'insert:add a message to the maildir and notmuch database'
    'new:incorporate new mail into the notmuch database'
    'reindex:re-index a set of messages'
    'reply:constructs a reply template for a set of messages'
    'restore:restores the tags from the given file (see notmuch dump)'
    'search:search for messages matching the given search terms'
    'show:show messages matching the given search terms'
    'tag:add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms'

  if ((CURRENT == 1)); then
    _describe -t commands 'notmuch command' notmuch_commands
      local curcontext="$curcontext"
      if (( $+functions[_notmuch_$cmd] )); then
        _message -e "unknown command $cmd"

_notmuch_term_tag _notmuch_term_is () {
  local ret=1 expl
  local -a notmuch_tags

  notmuch_tags=( ${(f)"$(notmuch search --output=tags '*')"} )

  _description notmuch-tag expl 'tag'
  compadd "$expl[@]" -a notmuch_tags && ret=0
  return $ret

_notmuch_term_to _notmuch_term_from() {
  _email_addresses -c

_notmuch_term_mimetype() {
  local ret=1 expl
  local -a commontypes
  _description typical-mimetypes expl 'common types'
  compadd "$expl[@]" -a commontypes && ret=0

  _mime_types && ret=0
  return $ret

_notmuch_term_path() {
  local ret=1 expl
  local maildir="$(notmuch config get database.mail_root)"
  [[ -d $maildir ]] || { _message -e "database.mail_root not found" ; return $ret }

  _description notmuch-folder expl 'maildir folder'
  _files "$expl[@]" -W $maildir -/ && ret=0
  return $ret

_notmuch_term_folder() {
  local ret=1 expl
  local maildir="$(notmuch config get database.mail_root)"
  [[ -d $maildir ]] || { _message -e "database.mail_root not found" ; return $ret }

  _description notmuch-folder expl 'maildir folder'
  local ignoredfolders=( '*/(cur|new|tmp)' )
  _files "$expl[@]" -W $maildir -F ignoredfolders -/ && ret=0
  return $ret

_notmuch_term_query() {
  local ret=1
  local line query_name
  local -a query_names query_content
  for line in ${(f)"$(notmuch config list | grep '^query.')"}; do
    query_names+=( $query_name )
    query_content+=( "$query_name = ${line#*=}" )

  _description notmuch-named-query expl 'named query'
  compadd "$expl[@]" -d query_content -a query_names && ret=0
  return $ret

_notmuch_search_term() {
  local ret=1 expl match
  setopt localoptions extendedglob

  typeset -a notmuch_search_terms
    'from' 'to' 'subject' 'attachment' 'mimetype' 'tag' 'id' 'thread' 'path' 'folder' 'date' 'lastmod' 'query' 'property'

  if compset -P '(#b)([^:]#):'; then
    if (( $+functions[_notmuch_term_$match[1]] )); then
      _notmuch_term_$match[1] && ret=0
      return $ret
    elif (( $+notmuch_search_terms[(r)$match[1]] )); then
      _message "search term '$match[1]'" && ret=0
      return $ret
      _message -e "unknown search term '$match[1]'"
      return $ret

  _description notmuch-term expl 'search term'
  compadd "$expl[@]" -S ':' -a notmuch_search_terms && ret=0

  if [[ $CURRENT -gt 1 && $words[CURRENT-1] != '--' ]]; then
    _description notmuch-op expl 'boolean operator'
    compadd "$expl[@]" -- and or not xor && ret=0

  return $ret

_notmuch_tagging_or_search() {
  setopt localoptions extendedglob
  local ret=1 expl
  local -a notmuch_tags

  # first arg that is a search term, or $#words+1
  integer searchtermarg=$(( $words[(I)--] != 0 ? $words[(i)--] : $words[(i)^(-|+)*] ))

  if (( CURRENT > 1 )); then
    () {
      local -a words=( $argv )
      local CURRENT=$(( CURRENT - searchtermarg + 1 ))
      _notmuch_search_term && ret=0
    } $words[searchtermarg,$]

  # only complete +/- tags if we're before the first search term
  if (( searchtermarg >= CURRENT )); then
    if compset -P '+'; then
      notmuch_tags=( ${(f)"$(notmuch search --output=tags '*')"} )
      _description notmuch-tag expl 'add tag'
      compadd "$expl[@]" -a notmuch_tags
      return 0
    elif compset -P '-'; then
      notmuch_tags=( ${(f)"$(notmuch search --output=tags '*')"} )
      _description notmuch-tag expl 'remove tag'
      compadd "$expl[@]" -a notmuch_tags
      return 0
      _description notmuch-tag expl 'add or remove tags'
      compadd "$expl[@]" -S '' -- '+' '-' && ret=0

  return $ret

_notmuch_address() {
  _arguments -S \
    '--format=[set output format]:output format:(json sexp text text0)' \
    '--format-version=[set output format version]:format version: ' \
    '--sort=[sort results]:sorting:((newest-first\:"reverse chronological order" oldest-first\:"chronological order"))' \
    '--output=[select output format]:output format:(sender recipients count address)' \
    '--deduplicate=[deduplicate results]:deduplication mode:(no mailbox address)' \
    '--exclude=[respect excluded tags setting]:exclude tags:(true false)' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_compact() {
  _arguments \
    '--backup=[save a backup before compacting]:backup directory:_files -/' \
    '--quiet[do not print progress or results]'

_notmuch_count() {
  _arguments \
     - normal \
        '--lastmod[append lastmod and uuid to output]' \
        '--exclude=[respect excluded tags setting]:exclude tags:(true false)' \
        '--output=[select what to count]:output format:(messages threads files)' \
        '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term' \
    - batch \
      '--batch[operate in batch mode]' \
      '(--batch)--input=[read batch operations from file]:batch file:_files'

_notmuch_dump() {
  _arguments -S \
    '--gzip[compress output with gzip]' \
    '--format=[specify output format]:output format:(batch-tag sup)' \
    '*--include=[configure metadata to output (default all)]:metadata type:(config properties tags)' \
    '--output=[write output to file]:output file:_files' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_new() {
  _arguments \
    '--no-hooks[prevent hooks from being run]' \
    '--quiet[do not print progress or results]' \
    '--full-scan[don''t rely on directory modification times for scan]' \
    '--decrypt=[decrypt messages]:decryption setting:((false\:"never decrypt" auto\:"decrypt if session key is known (default)" true\:"decrypt using secret keys" stash\:"decrypt, and store session keys"))'

_notmuch_reindex() {
  _arguments \
    '--decrypt=[decrypt messages]:decryption setting:((false\:"never decrypt" auto\:"decrypt if session key is known (default)" true\:"decrypt using secret keys" stash\:"decrypt, and store session keys"))' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_search() {
  _arguments -S \
    '--max-threads=[display only the first x threads from the search results]:number of threads to show: ' \
    '--first=[omit the first x threads from the search results]:number of threads to omit: ' \
    '--sort=[sort results]:sorting:((newest-first\:"reverse chronological order" oldest-first\:"chronological order"))' \
    '--output=[select what to output]:output:(summary threads messages files tags)' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_show() {
  _arguments -S \
    '--entire-thread=[output entire threads]:show thread:(true false)' \
    '--format=[set output format]:output format:(text json sexp mbox raw)' \
    '--format-version=[set output format version]:format version: ' \
    '--part=[output a single decoded mime part]:part number: ' \
    '--verify[verify signed MIME parts]' \
    '--decrypt=[decrypt messages]:decryption setting:((false\:"never decrypt" auto\:"decrypt if session key is known (default)" true\:"decrypt using secret keys" stash\:"decrypt, and store session keys"))' \
    '--exclude=[respect excluded tags setting]:exclude tags:(true false)' \
    '--body=[output body]:output body content:(true false)' \
    '--include-html[include text/html parts in the output]' \
    '--limit=[limit the number of displayed results]:limit: ' \
    '--offset=[skip displaying the first N results]:offset: ' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_reply() {
  _arguments \
    '--format=[set output format]:output format:(default json sexp headers-only)' \
    '--format-version=[set output format version]:output format version: ' \
    '--reply-to=[specify recipient types]:recipient types:(all sender)' \
    '--decrypt=[decrypt messages]:decryption setting:((false\:"never decrypt" auto\:"decrypt if session key is known (default)" true\:"decrypt using secret keys"))' \
    '*::search term:_notmuch_search_term'

_notmuch_restore() {
  _arguments \
    '--acumulate[add data to db instead of replacing]' \
    '--format=[specify input format]:input format:(auto batch-tag sup)' \
    '*--include=[configure metadata to import (default all)]:metadata type:(config properties tags)' \
    '--input=[read from file]:notmuch dump file:_files'

_notmuch_tag() {
  _arguments \
    - normal \
      '--remove-all[remove all tags from matching messages]:*:search term:_notmuch_search_term' \
      '*::tag or search:_notmuch_tagging_or_search' \
    - batch \
      '--batch[operate in batch mode]' \
      '(--batch)--input=[read batch operations from file]:batch file:_files'

_notmuch() {
  if [[ $service == notmuch-* ]]; then
    local compfunc=_${service//-/_}
    (( $+functions[$compfunc] )) || return 1
    $compfunc "$@"
    _arguments \
      '(* -)--help[show help]' \
      '(* -)--version[show version]' \
      '--config=-[specify config file]:config file:_files' \
      '--uuid=-[check against database uuid or exit]:uuid: ' \
      '*::notmuch commands:_notmuch_command'

_notmuch "$@"