#!/usr/bin/env bash test_description='"notmuch config"' . $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1 test_begin_subtest "Get string value" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get user.name)" "Notmuch Test Suite" test_begin_subtest "Get list value" cat <<EOF > EXPECTED inbox unread EOF notmuch config get new.tags | sort > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "Set string value" notmuch config set foo.string "this is a string value" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.string)" "this is a string value" test_begin_subtest "Set string value again" notmuch config set foo.string "this is another string value" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.string)" "this is another string value" test_begin_subtest "Set list value" notmuch config set foo.list this "is a" "list value" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.list)" "\ this is a list value" test_begin_subtest "Set list value again" notmuch config set foo.list this "is another" "list value" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.list)" "\ this is another list value" test_begin_subtest "Remove key" notmuch config set foo.remove baz notmuch config set foo.remove test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.remove)" "" test_begin_subtest "Remove non-existent key" notmuch config set foo.nonexistent test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get foo.nonexistent)" "" test_begin_subtest "List all items" notmuch config list 2>&1 | notmuch_config_sanitize > OUTPUT cat <<EOF > EXPECTED built_with.compact=something built_with.field_processor=something built_with.retry_lock=something built_with.sexp_queries=something database.autocommit=8000 database.mail_root=MAIL_DIR database.path=MAIL_DIR foo.list=this;is another;list value; foo.string=this is another string value index.as_text= maildir.synchronize_flags=true new.ignore= new.tags=unread;inbox search.exclude_tags= user.name=Notmuch Test Suite user.other_email=test_suite_other@notmuchmail.org;test_suite@otherdomain.org user.primary_email=test_suite@notmuchmail.org EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "Round trip config item with leading spaces" test_subtest_known_broken notmuch config set foo.bar " thing" output=$(notmuch config get foo.bar) test_expect_equal "${output}" " thing" test_begin_subtest "Round trip config item with leading tab" test_subtest_known_broken notmuch config set foo.bar " thing" output=$(notmuch config get foo.bar) test_expect_equal "${output}" " thing" test_begin_subtest "Round trip config item with embedded tab" notmuch config set foo.bar "thing other" output=$(notmuch config get foo.bar) test_expect_equal "${output}" "thing other" test_begin_subtest "Round trip config item with embedded backslash" notmuch config set foo.bar 'thing\other' output=$(notmuch config get foo.bar) test_expect_equal "${output}" "thing\other" test_begin_subtest "Round trip config item with embedded NL/CR" notmuch config set foo.bar 'thing other' output=$(notmuch config get foo.bar) test_expect_equal "${output}" "thing other" test_begin_subtest "Top level --config=FILE option" cp "${NOTMUCH_CONFIG}" alt-config notmuch --config=alt-config config set user.name "Another Name" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch --config=alt-config config get user.name)" \ "Another Name" test_begin_subtest "Top level --config:FILE option" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch --config:alt-config config get user.name)" \ "Another Name" test_begin_subtest "Top level --config<space>FILE option" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch --config alt-config config get user.name)" \ "Another Name" test_begin_subtest "Top level --config=FILE option changed the right file" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get user.name)" \ "Notmuch Test Suite" test_begin_subtest "Read config file through a symlink" ln -s alt-config alt-config-link test_expect_equal "$(notmuch --config=alt-config-link config get user.name)" \ "Another Name" test_begin_subtest "Write config file through a symlink" notmuch --config=alt-config-link config set user.name "Link Name" test_expect_equal "$(notmuch --config=alt-config-link config get user.name)" \ "Link Name" test_begin_subtest "Writing config file through symlink follows symlink" test_expect_equal "$(readlink alt-config-link)" "alt-config" test_begin_subtest "Round trip arbitrary key" key=g${RANDOM}.m${RANDOM} value=${RANDOM} notmuch config set ${key} ${value} output=$(notmuch config get ${key}) test_expect_equal "${output}" "${value}" test_begin_subtest "Clear arbitrary key" notmuch config set ${key} output=$(notmuch config get ${key}) test_expect_equal "${output}" "" db_path=${HOME}/database-path test_begin_subtest "Absolute database path returned" notmuch config set database.path ${HOME}/Maildir test_expect_equal "$(notmuch config get database.path)" \ "${HOME}/Maildir" ln -s `pwd`/mail home/Maildir add_email_corpus test_begin_subtest "Relative database path expanded" notmuch config set database.path Maildir path=$(notmuch config get database.path | notmuch_dir_sanitize) count=$(notmuch count '*') test_expect_equal "${path} ${count}" \ "CWD/home/Maildir 52" test_begin_subtest "Add config to database" notmuch new key=g${RANDOM}.m${RANDOM} value=${RANDOM} notmuch config set --database ${key} ${value} notmuch dump --include=config > OUTPUT cat <<EOF > EXPECTED #notmuch-dump batch-tag:3 config #@ ${key} ${value} EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "Roundtrip config to/from database" notmuch new key=g${RANDOM}.m${RANDOM} value=${RANDOM} notmuch config set --database ${key} ${value} output=$(notmuch config get ${key}) test_expect_equal "${output}" "${value}" test_begin_subtest "set built_with.* yields error" test_expect_code 1 "notmuch config set built_with.compact false" test_begin_subtest "get built_with.{compact,field_processor} prints true" for key in compact field_processor; do notmuch config get built_with.${key} done > OUTPUT cat <<EOF > EXPECTED true true EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "get built_with.nonexistent prints false" output=$(notmuch config get built_with.nonexistent) test_expect_equal "$output" "false" test_done