#!/usr/bin/env bash test_description="message property API" . $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1 add_email_corpus cat <<EOF > c_head #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <talloc.h> #include <notmuch-test.h> void print_properties (notmuch_message_t *message, const char *prefix, notmuch_bool_t exact) { notmuch_message_properties_t *list; for (list = notmuch_message_get_properties (message, prefix, exact); notmuch_message_properties_valid (list); notmuch_message_properties_move_to_next (list)) { printf("%s\n", notmuch_message_properties_value(list)); } notmuch_message_properties_destroy (list); } int main (int argc, char** argv) { notmuch_database_t *db; notmuch_message_t *message = NULL; const char *val; notmuch_status_t stat; EXPECT0(notmuch_database_open (argv[1], NOTMUCH_DATABASE_MODE_READ_WRITE, &db)); EXPECT0(notmuch_database_find_message(db, "4EFC743A.3060609@april.org", &message)); if (message == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "unable to find message"); exit (1); } EOF cat <<EOF > c_tail EXPECT0(notmuch_database_destroy(db)); } EOF test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_{add,get,remove}_property" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} { EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey1", "testvalue1")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey1", &val)); printf("testkey1[1] = %s\n", val); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey2", "this value has spaces and = sign")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey1", &val)); printf("testkey1[2] = %s\n", val); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey1", &val)); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey2", &val)); printf("testkey2 = %s\n", val); /* Add second value for key */ EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey2", "zztestvalue3")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey2", &val)); printf("testkey2 = %s\n", val); /* remove first value for key */ EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, "testkey2", "this value has spaces and = sign")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey2", &val)); printf("testkey2 = %s\n", val); /* remove non-existant value for key */ EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, "testkey2", "this value has spaces and = sign")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey2", &val)); printf("testkey2 = %s\n", val); /* remove only value for key */ EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, "testkey2", "zztestvalue3")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, "testkey2", &val)); printf("testkey2 = %s\n", val == NULL ? "NULL" : val); } EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == testkey1[1] = testvalue1 testkey1[2] = testvalue1 testkey2 = this value has spaces and = sign testkey2 = this value has spaces and = sign testkey2 = zztestvalue3 testkey2 = zztestvalue3 testkey2 = NULL == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_remove_all_properties" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_all_properties (message, NULL)); print_properties (message, "", FALSE); EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "testing string map binary search (via message properties)" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} { char *keys[] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", NULL}; for (int i=0; keys[i]; i++) EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, keys[i], keys[i])); for (int i=0; keys[i]; i++) { EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, keys[i], &val)); printf("%s = %s\n", keys[i], val); } for (int i=0; keys[i]; i++) { EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, keys[i], keys[i])); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_get_property (message, keys[i], &val)); printf("%s = %s\n", keys[i], val == NULL ? "NULL" : val); } } EOF cat <<EOF > EXPECTED == stdout == a = a b = b c = c d = d e = e a = NULL b = NULL c = NULL d = NULL e = NULL == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_get_properties: empty list" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} { notmuch_message_properties_t *list; list = notmuch_message_get_properties (message, "nonexistent", TRUE); printf("valid = %d\n", notmuch_message_properties_valid (list)); notmuch_message_properties_destroy (list); } EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == valid = 0 == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_properties: one value" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} print_properties (message, "testkey1", TRUE); EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == testvalue1 == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_properties: multiple values" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey1", "bob")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey1", "testvalue2")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey1", "alice")); print_properties (message, "testkey1", TRUE); EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == alice bob testvalue1 testvalue2 == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_properties: prefix" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey3", "bob3")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey3", "testvalue3")); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey3", "alice3")); print_properties (message, "testkey", FALSE); EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == alice bob testvalue1 testvalue2 alice3 bob3 testvalue3 == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "notmuch_message_properties: modify during iteration" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} { const char *keys[1000] = {NULL}; const char *vals[1000] = {NULL}; notmuch_message_properties_t *properties; int i; for (properties = notmuch_message_get_properties (message, "", FALSE), i=0; notmuch_message_properties_valid (properties); notmuch_message_properties_move_to_next (properties), i++) { const char *key, *value; keys[i]=talloc_strdup(message, notmuch_message_properties_key (properties)); vals[i]=talloc_strdup(message, notmuch_message_properties_value (properties)); EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, keys[i], vals[i])); } print_properties (message, "", FALSE); for (i = 0; keys[i] && vals[i]; i++) { EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, keys[i], vals[i])); } } EOF cat <<'EOF' >EXPECTED == stdout == == stderr == EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "dump message properties" cat <<EOF > PROPERTIES #= 4EFC743A.3060609@april.org fancy%20key%20with%20%c3%a1cc%c3%a8nts=import%20value%20with%20= testkey1=alice testkey1=bob testkey1=testvalue1 testkey1=testvalue2 testkey3=alice3 testkey3=bob3 testkey3=testvalue3 EOF cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "fancy key with áccènts", "import value with =")); EOF notmuch dump | grep '^#=' > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file PROPERTIES OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "dump _only_ message properties" cat <<EOF > EXPECTED #notmuch-dump batch-tag:3 properties #= 4EFC743A.3060609@april.org fancy%20key%20with%20%c3%a1cc%c3%a8nts=import%20value%20with%20= testkey1=alice testkey1=bob testkey1=testvalue1 testkey1=testvalue2 testkey3=alice3 testkey3=bob3 testkey3=testvalue3 EOF notmuch dump --include=properties > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "restore missing message property (single line)" notmuch dump | grep '^#=' > BEFORE1 cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, "testkey1", "bob")); EOF notmuch restore < BEFORE1 notmuch dump | grep '^#=' > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file PROPERTIES OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "restore missing message property (full dump)" notmuch dump > BEFORE2 cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_remove_property (message, "testkey1", "bob")); EOF notmuch restore < BEFORE2 notmuch dump | grep '^#=' > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file PROPERTIES OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "restore clear extra message property" cat c_head - c_tail <<'EOF' | test_C ${MAIL_DIR} EXPECT0(notmuch_message_add_property (message, "testkey1", "charles")); EOF notmuch restore < BEFORE2 notmuch dump | grep '^#=' > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file PROPERTIES OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "test 'property:' queries: empty" notmuch search property:testkey1=charles > OUTPUT test_expect_equal_file /dev/null OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "test 'property:' queries: single message" notmuch search --output=messages property:testkey1=alice > OUTPUT cat <<EOF >EXPECTED id:4EFC743A.3060609@april.org EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "msg.get_property (python)" test_python <<'EOF' import notmuch db = notmuch.Database(mode=notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) msg = db.find_message("4EFC743A.3060609@april.org") print("testkey1 = {0}".format(msg.get_property("testkey1"))) print("testkey3 = {0}".format(msg.get_property("testkey3"))) EOF cat <<'EOF' > EXPECTED testkey1 = alice testkey3 = alice3 EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "msg.get_properties (python)" test_python <<'EOF' import notmuch db = notmuch.Database(mode=notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_ONLY) msg = db.find_message("4EFC743A.3060609@april.org") for (key,val) in msg.get_properties("testkey1"): print("{0} = {1}".format(key,val)) EOF cat <<'EOF' > EXPECTED testkey1 = alice testkey1 = bob testkey1 = testvalue1 testkey1 = testvalue2 EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "msg.get_properties (python, prefix)" test_python <<'EOF' import notmuch db = notmuch.Database(mode=notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_ONLY) msg = db.find_message("4EFC743A.3060609@april.org") for (key,val) in msg.get_properties("testkey"): print("{0} = {1}".format(key,val)) EOF cat <<'EOF' > EXPECTED testkey1 = alice testkey1 = bob testkey1 = testvalue1 testkey1 = testvalue2 testkey3 = alice3 testkey3 = bob3 testkey3 = testvalue3 EOF test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT test_begin_subtest "msg.get_properties (python, exact)" test_python <<'EOF' import notmuch db = notmuch.Database(mode=notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_ONLY) msg = db.find_message("4EFC743A.3060609@april.org") for (key,val) in msg.get_properties("testkey",True): print("{0} = {1}".format(key,val)) EOF test_expect_equal_file /dev/null OUTPUT test_done