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synced 2024-12-27 11:51:42 +01:00
After new notmuch release has been published the NEWS and manual pages have been updated using these 2 programs. Adding the tools to notmuch repository eases their use, adds more transparency to the "process" and gives more people chance to do the updates is one is unavailable to do it at the time being.
197 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
197 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
# Author: Tomi Ollila
# License: same as notmuch
# This program is used to generate mdwn-formatted notmuch manual pages
# for notmuch wiki. Example run:
# $ ./devel/man-to-mdwn.pl man ../notmuch-wiki
# In case taken into more generic use, modify these comments and examples.
use 5.8.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
unless (@ARGV == 2) {
warn "\n$0 <source-directory> <destination-directory>\n\n";
# Remove/edit this comment if this script is taken into generic use.
warn "Example: ./devel/man-to-mdwn.pl man ../notmuch-wiki\n\n";
exit 1;
die "'$ARGV[0]': no such source directory\n" unless -d $ARGV[0];
die "'$ARGV[1]': no such destination directory\n" unless -d $ARGV[1];
#die "'manpages' exists\n" if -e 'manpages';
#die "'manpages.mdwn' exists\n" if -e 'manpages.mdwn';
die "Expecting '$ARGV[1]/manpages' to exist.\n" .
"Please create it first or adjust <destination-directory>.\n"
unless -d $ARGV[1] . '/manpages';
my $ev = 0;
my %fhash;
open P, '-|', 'find', $ARGV[0], qw/-name *.[0-9] -print/;
while (<P>)
next unless -f $_; # follows symlink.
$ev = 1, warn "'$_': no such file\n" unless -f $_;
my ($in, $on) = ($_, $_);
$on =~ s|.*/||; $on =~ tr/./-/;
my $f = $fhash{$on};
$ev = 1, warn "'$in' collides with '$f' ($on.mdwn)\n" if defined $f;
$fhash{$on} = $in;
close P;
#undef $ENV{'GROFF_NO_SGR'};
#delete $ENV{'GROFF_NO_SGR'};
$ENV{'GROFF_NO_SGR'} = '1';
$ENV{'TERM'} = 'vt100'; # does this matter ?
my %htmlqh = qw/& & < < > > ' ' " "/;
# do html quotation to $_[0] (which is an alias to the given arg)
sub htmlquote($)
$_[0] =~ s/([&<>'"])/$htmlqh{$1}/ge;
sub maymakelink($);
sub mayconvert($$);
#warn keys %fhash, "\n";
while (my ($k, $v) = each %fhash)
#next if -l $v; # skip symlinks here. -- not... references there may be.
my @lines;
#open I, '-|', qw/groff -man -T utf8/, $v;
open I, '-|', qw/groff -man -T latin1/, $v; # this and GROFF_NO_SGR='1'
my ($emptyline, $pre, $hl) = (0, 0, 'h1');
while (<I>) {
if (/^\s*$/) {
$emptyline = 1;
s/(?<=\S)\s{8,}.*//; # $hl = 'h1' if s/(?<=\S)\s{8,}.*//;
htmlquote $_;
if (/^\S/) {
$pre = 0, push @lines, "</pre>\n" if $pre;
$_ = "\n<$hl>$_</$hl>\n";
$hl = 'h2';
$emptyline = 0;
elsif (/^\s\s\s\S/) {
$pre = 0, push @lines, "</pre>\n" if $pre;
$_ = "\n<h3> $_</h3>\n";
$emptyline = 0;
else {
$pre = 1, push @lines, "<pre>\n" unless $pre;
$emptyline = 0, push @lines, "\n" if $emptyline;
push @lines, $_;
$lines[0] =~ s/^\n//;
$k = "$ARGV[1]/manpages/$k.mdwn";
open O, '>', $k or die;
print STDOUT 'Writing ', "'$k'\n";
select O;
my $pe = '';
foreach (@lines) {
if ($pe) {
if (s/^(\s+)<b>([^<]+)<\/b>\((\d+)\)//) {
my $link = maymakelink "$pe-$2-$3";
$link = maymakelink "$pe$2-$3" unless $link;
if ($link) {
print "<a href='$link'>$pe-</a>\n";
print "$1<a href='$link'>$2</a>($3)";
else {
print "<b>$pe-</b>\n";
print "$1<b>$2</b>($3)";
} else {
print "<b>$pe-</b>\n";
$pe = '';
s/<b>([^<]+)<\/b>\((\d+)\)/mayconvert($1, $2)/ge;
$pe = $1 if s/<b>([^<]+)-<\/b>\s*$//;
print $_;
sub maymakelink($)
# warn "$_[0]\n";
return "../$_[0]/" if exists $fhash{$_[0]};
return '';
sub mayconvert($$)
my $f = "$_[0]-$_[1]";
# warn "$f\n";
return "<a href='../$f/'>$_[0]</a>($_[1])" if exists $fhash{$f};
return "<b>$_[0]</b>($_[1])";
# Finally, make manpages.mdwn
open O, '>', $ARGV[1] . '/manpages.mdwn' or die $!;
print STDOUT "Writing '$ARGV[1]/manpages.mdwn'\n";
select O;
print "Manual page index\n";
print "=================\n\n";
sub srt { my ($x, $y) = ($a, $b); $x =~ tr/./-/; $y =~ tr/./-/; $x cmp $y; }
foreach (sort srt values %fhash)
my $in = $_;
open I, '<', $in or die $!;
my $s;
while (<I>) {
if (/^\s*[.]TH\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) {
$s = $1;
while (<I>) {
last if /^\s*[.]SH NAME/
my $line = '';
while (<I>) {
if (/\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
my $e = $2;
# Ignoring the NAME in file, get from file name instead.
#my $on = (-l $in)? readlink $in: $in;
my $on = $in;
$on =~ tr/./-/; $on =~ s|.*/||;
my $n = $in; $n =~ s|.*/||; $n =~ tr/./-/; $n =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
$line = "<a href='$on/'>$n</a>($s) $e\n";
die "No NAME in '$in'\n" unless $line;
print "* $line";
#warn $line;