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import ctypes
from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, c_void_p, c_uint, c_uint64, c_bool
from cnotmuch.globals import nmlib, STATUS, NotmuchError, Enum
import logging
from datetime import date
class Database(object):
"""Represents a notmuch database (wraps notmuch_database_t)
.. note:: Do remember that as soon as we tear down this object,
all underlying derived objects such as queries, threads,
messages, tags etc will be freed by the underlying library
as well. Accessing these objects will lead to segfaults and
other unexpected behavior. See above for more details.
"""Constants: Mode in which to open the database"""
_std_db_path = None
"""Class attribute to cache user's default database"""
"""notmuch_database_get_path (notmuch_database_t *database)"""
_get_path = nmlib.notmuch_database_get_path
_get_path.restype = c_char_p
_get_version = nmlib.notmuch_database_get_version
_get_version.restype = c_uint
"""notmuch_database_open (const char *path, notmuch_database_mode_t mode)"""
_open = nmlib.notmuch_database_open
_open.restype = c_void_p
""" notmuch_database_find_message """
_find_message = nmlib.notmuch_database_find_message
_find_message.restype = c_void_p
"""notmuch_database_get_all_tags (notmuch_database_t *database)"""
_get_all_tags = nmlib.notmuch_database_get_all_tags
_get_all_tags.restype = c_void_p
""" notmuch_database_create(const char *path):"""
_create = nmlib.notmuch_database_create
_create.restype = c_void_p
def __init__(self, path=None, create=False, mode= MODE.READ_ONLY):
"""If *path* is *None*, we will try to read a users notmuch
configuration and use his default database. If *create* is `True`,
the database will always be created in
:attr:`MODE`.READ_WRITE mode.
:param path: Directory to open/create the database in (see
above for behavior if `None`)
:type path: `str` or `None`
:param create: Pass `False` to open an existing, `True` to create a new
:type create: bool
:param mode: Mode to open a database in. Is always
:attr:`MODE`.READ_WRITE when creating a new one.
:type mode: :attr:`MODE`
:returns: Nothing
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` in case of failure.
self._db = None
if path is None:
# no path specified. use a user's default database
if Database._std_db_path is None:
#the following line throws a NotmuchError if it fails
Database._std_db_path = self._get_user_default_db()
path = Database._std_db_path
if create == False:
self.open(path, mode)
def create(self, path):
"""Creates a new notmuch database
This function is used by __init__() and usually does not need
to be called directly. It wraps the underlying
*notmuch_database_create* function and creates a new notmuch
database at *path*. It will always return a database in
:attr:`MODE`.READ_WRITE mode as creating an empty database for
reading only does not make a great deal of sense.
:param path: A directory in which we should create the database.
:type path: str
:returns: Nothing
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` in case of any failure
(after printing an error message on stderr).
if self._db is not None:
raise NotmuchError(
message="Cannot create db, this Database() already has an open one.")
res = Database._create(path, MODE.READ_WRITE)
if res is None:
raise NotmuchError(
message="Could not create the specified database")
self._db = res
def open(self, path, mode= MODE.READ_ONLY):
"""Opens an existing database
This function is used by __init__() and usually does not need
to be called directly. It wraps the underlying
*notmuch_database_open* function.
:param status: Open the database in read-only or read-write mode
:type status: :attr:`MODE`
:returns: Nothing
:exception: Raises :exc:`NotmuchError` in case
of any failure (after printing an error message on stderr).
res = Database._open(path, mode)
if res is None:
raise NotmuchError(
message="Could not open the specified database")
self._db = res
def get_path(self):
"""Returns the file path of an open database
Wraps notmuch_database_get_path"""
return Database._get_path(self._db)
def get_version(self):
"""Returns the database format version
:returns: The database version as positive integer
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` with STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if
the database was not intitialized.
if self._db is None:
return Database._get_version (self._db)
def needs_upgrade(self):
"""Does this database need to be upgraded before writing to it?
If this function returns TRUE then no functions that modify the
database (:meth:`Database.add_message`, :meth:`Database.add_tag`,
:meth:`Directory.set_mtime`, etc.) will work unless :meth:`upgrade`
is called successfully first.
:returns: `True` or `False`
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` with STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if
the database was not intitialized.
if self._db is None:
return notmuch_database_needs_upgrade(self.db)
def find_message(self, msgid):
"""Returns a :class:`Message` as identified by its message ID
Wraps the underlying *notmuch_database_find_message* function.
:param msgid: The message ID
:type msgid: string
:returns: :class:`Message` or `None` if no message is found or if an
out-of-memory situation occurs.
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` with STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if
the database was not intitialized.
if self._db is None:
msg_p = Database._find_message(self._db, msgid)
if msg_p is None:
return None
return Message(msg_p, self)
def get_all_tags(self):
"""Returns :class:`Tags` with a list of all tags found in the database
:returns: :class:`Tags`
:execption: :exc:`NotmuchError` with STATUS.NULL_POINTER on error
if self._db is None:
tags_p = Database._get_all_tags (self._db)
if tags_p == None:
raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER)
return Tags(tags_p, self)
def __repr__(self):
return "'Notmuch DB " + self.get_path() + "'"
def __del__(self):
"""Close and free the notmuch database if needed"""
if self._db is not None:
logging.debug("Freeing the database now")
def _get_user_default_db(self):
""" Reads a user's notmuch config and returns his db location
Throws a NotmuchError if it cannot find it"""
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import os.path
config = SafeConfigParser()
if not config.has_option('database','path'):
raise NotmuchError(message=
"No DB path specified and no user default found")
return config.get('database','path')
def db_p(self):
"""Property returning a pointer to the notmuch_database_t or `None`
This should normally not be needed by a user."""
return self._db
class Query(object):
""" Represents a search query on an opened :class:`Database`.
A query selects and filters a subset of messages from the notmuch
database we derive from.
Technically, it wraps the underlying *notmuch_query_t* struct.
.. note:: Do remember that as soon as we tear down this object,
all underlying derived objects such as threads,
messages, tags etc will be freed by the underlying library
as well. Accessing these objects will lead to segfaults and
other unexpected behavior. See above for more details.
# constants
"""Constants: Sort order in which to return results"""
_create = nmlib.notmuch_query_create
_create.restype = c_void_p
_search_messages = nmlib.notmuch_query_search_messages
_search_messages.restype = c_void_p
def __init__(self, db, querystr):
:param db: An open database which we derive the Query from.
:type db: :class:`Database`
:param querystr: The query string for the message.
:type querystr: str
self._db = None
self._query = None
self.create(db, querystr)
def create(self, db, querystr):
"""Creates a new query derived from a Database.
This function is utilized by __init__() and usually does not need to
be called directly.
:param db: Database to create the query from.
:type db: :class:`Database`
:param querystr: The query string
:type querystr: str
:returns: Nothing
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
* STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if db is not inited
* STATUS.NULL_POINTER if the query creation failed
(too little memory)
if db.db_p is None:
# create reference to parent db to keep it alive
self._db = db
# create query, return None if too little mem available
query_p = Query._create(db.db_p, querystr)
if query_p is None:
self._query = query_p
def set_sort(self, sort):
"""Set the sort order future results will be delivered in
Wraps the underlying *notmuch_query_set_sort* function.
:param sort: Sort order (see :attr:`Query.SORT`)
:returns: Nothing
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if query has not
been initialized.
if self._query is None:
nmlib.notmuch_query_set_sort(self._query, sort)
def search_messages(self):
"""Filter messages according to the query and return
:class:`Messages` in the defined sort order
Technically, it wraps the underlying
*notmuch_query_search_messages* function.
:returns: :class:`Messages`
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
* STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if query is not inited
* STATUS.NULL_POINTER if search_messages failed
if self._query is None:
msgs_p = Query._search_messages(self._query)
if msgs_p is None:
return Messages(msgs_p,self)
def __del__(self):
"""Close and free the Query"""
if self._query is not None:
logging.debug("Freeing the Query now")
nmlib.notmuch_query_destroy (self._query)
class Tags(object):
"""Represents a list of notmuch tags
This object provides an iterator over a list of notmuch tags. Do
note that the underlying library only provides a one-time iterator
(it cannot reset the iterator to the start). Thus iterating over
the function will "exhaust" the list of tags, and a subsequent
iteration attempt will raise a :exc:`NotmuchError`
STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED. Also note, that any function that uses
iteration (nearly all) will also exhaust the tags. So both::
for tag in tags: print tag
as well as::
number_of_tags = len(tags)
and even a simple::
#str() iterates over all tags to construct a space separated list
will "exhaust" the Tags. If you need to re-iterate over a list of
tags you will need to retrieve a new :class:`Tags` object.
_get = nmlib.notmuch_tags_get
_get.restype = c_char_p
def __init__(self, tags_p, parent=None):
:param tags_p: A pointer to an underlying *notmuch_tags_t*
structure. These are not publically exposed, so a user
will almost never instantiate a :class:`Tags` object
herself. They are usually handed back as a result,
e.g. in :meth:`Database.get_all_tags`. *tags_p* must be
valid, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError`
(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) if it is `None`.
:type tags_p: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p`
:param parent: The parent object (ie :class:`Database` or
:class:`Message` these tags are derived from, and saves a
reference to it, so we can automatically delete the db object
once all derived objects are dead.
:TODO: Make the iterator optionally work more than once by
cache the tags in the Python object(?)
if tags_p is None:
self._tags = tags_p
#save reference to parent object so we keep it alive
self._parent = parent
logging.debug("Inited Tags derived from %s" %(repr(parent)))
def __iter__(self):
""" Make Tags an iterator """
return self
def next(self):
if self._tags is None:
if not nmlib.notmuch_tags_valid(self._tags):
self._tags = None
raise StopIteration
tag = Tags._get (self._tags)
return tag
def __len__(self):
"""len(:class:`Tags`) returns the number of contained tags
.. note:: As this iterates over the tags, we will not be able
to iterate over them again (as in retrieve them)! If
the tags have been exhausted already, this will raise a
:exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED on
subsequent attempts.
if self._tags is None:
while nmlib.notmuch_tags_valid(self._msgs):
i += 1
self._tags = None
return i
def __str__(self):
"""The str() representation of Tags() is a space separated list of tags
.. note:: As this iterates over the tags, we will not be able
to iterate over them again (as in retrieve them)! If
the tags have been exhausted already, this will raise a
:exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED on
subsequent attempts.
return " ".join(self)
def __del__(self):
"""Close and free the notmuch tags"""
if self._tags is not None:
logging.debug("Freeing the Tags now")
nmlib.notmuch_tags_destroy (self._tags)
class Messages(object):
"""Represents a list of notmuch messages
This object provides an iterator over a list of notmuch messages
(Technically, it provides a wrapper for the underlying
*notmuch_messages_t* structure). Do note that the underlying
library only provides a one-time iterator (it cannot reset the
iterator to the start). Thus iterating over the function will
"exhaust" the list of messages, and a subsequent iteration attempt
will raise a :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED. Also
note, that any function that uses iteration will also
exhaust the messages. So both::
for msg in msgs: print msg
as well as::
number_of_msgs = len(msgs)
will "exhaust" the Messages. If you need to re-iterate over a list of
messages you will need to retrieve a new :class:`Messages` object.
Things are not as bad as it seems though, you can store and reuse
the single Message objects as often as you want as long as you
keep the parent Messages object around. (Recall that due to
hierarchical memory allocation, all derived Message objects will
be invalid when we delete the parent Messages() object, even if it
was already "exhausted".) So this works::
db = Database()
msgs = Query(db,'').search_messages() #get a Messages() object
msglist = []
for m in msgs:
# msgs is "exhausted" now and even len(msgs) will raise an exception.
# However it will be kept around until all retrieved Message() objects are
# also deleted. If you did e.g. an explicit del(msgs) here, the
# following lines would fail.
# You can reiterate over *msglist* however as often as you want.
# It is simply a list with Message objects.
print (msglist[0].get_filename())
print (msglist[1].get_filename())
print (msglist[0].get_message_id())
_get = nmlib.notmuch_messages_get
_get.restype = c_void_p
_collect_tags = nmlib.notmuch_messages_collect_tags
_collect_tags.restype = c_void_p
def __init__(self, msgs_p, parent=None):
:param msgs_p: A pointer to an underlying *notmuch_messages_t*
structure. These are not publically exposed, so a user
will almost never instantiate a :class:`Messages` object
herself. They are usually handed back as a result,
e.g. in :meth:`Query.search_messages`. *msgs_p* must be
valid, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError`
(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) if it is `None`.
:type msgs_p: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p`
:param parent: The parent object
(ie :class:`Query`) these tags are derived from. It saves
a reference to it, so we can automatically delete the db
object once all derived objects are dead.
:TODO: Make the iterator work more than once and cache the tags in
the Python object.(?)
if msgs_p is None:
self._msgs = msgs_p
#store parent, so we keep them alive as long as self is alive
self._parent = parent
logging.debug("Inited Messages derived from %s" %(str(parent)))
def collect_tags(self):
"""Return the unique :class:`Tags` in the contained messages
:returns: :class:`Tags`
:exceptions: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if not inited
.. note:: :meth:`collect_tags` will iterate over the messages and
therefore will not allow further iterations.
if self._msgs is None:
# collect all tags (returns NULL on error)
tags_p = Messages._collect_tags (self._msgs)
#reset _msgs as we iterated over it and can do so only once
self._msgs = None
if tags_p == None:
raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER)
return Tags(tags_p, self)
def __iter__(self):
""" Make Messages an iterator """
return self
def next(self):
if self._msgs is None:
if not nmlib.notmuch_messages_valid(self._msgs):
self._msgs = None
raise StopIteration
msg = Message(Messages._get (self._msgs), self)
return msg
def __len__(self):
"""len(:class:`Messages`) returns the number of contained messages
.. note:: As this iterates over the messages, we will not be able to
iterate over them again (as in retrieve them)!
if self._msgs is None:
while nmlib.notmuch_messages_valid(self._msgs):
i += 1
self._msgs = None
return i
def __del__(self):
"""Close and free the notmuch Messages"""
if self._msgs is not None:
logging.debug("Freeing the Messages now")
nmlib.notmuch_messages_destroy (self._msgs)
class Message(object):
"""Represents a single Email message
Technically, this wraps the underlying *notmuch_message_t* structure.
"""notmuch_message_get_filename (notmuch_message_t *message)"""
_get_filename = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_filename
_get_filename.restype = c_char_p
"""notmuch_message_get_message_id (notmuch_message_t *message)"""
_get_message_id = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_message_id
_get_message_id.restype = c_char_p
"""notmuch_message_get_tags (notmuch_message_t *message)"""
_get_tags = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_tags
_get_tags.restype = c_void_p
_get_date = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_date
_get_date.restype = c_uint64
_get_header = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_header
_get_header.restype = c_char_p
def __init__(self, msg_p, parent=None):
:param msg_p: A pointer to an internal notmuch_message_t
Structure. If it is `None`, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError`
:param parent: A 'parent' object is passed which this message is
derived from. We save a reference to it, so we can
automatically delete the parent object once all derived
objects are dead.
if msg_p is None:
self._msg = msg_p
#keep reference to parent, so we keep it alive
self._parent = parent
logging.debug("Inited Message derived from %s" %(str(parent)))
def get_message_id(self):
"""Return the message ID
:returns: String with a message ID
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message
is not initialized.
if self._msg is None:
return Message._get_message_id(self._msg)
def get_date(self):
"""Returns time_t of the message date
For the original textual representation of the Date header from the
message call notmuch_message_get_header() with a header value of
:returns: a time_t timestamp
:rtype: c_unit64
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message
is not initialized.
if self._msg is None:
return Message._get_date(self._msg)
def get_header(self, header):
"""Returns a message header
This returns any message header that is stored in the notmuch database.
This is only a selected subset of headers, which is currently:
TODO: add stored headers
:param header: The name of the header to be retrieved.
It is not case-sensitive (TODO: confirm).
:type header: str
:returns: The header value as string
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
is not initialized.
* STATUS.NULL_POINTER, if no header was found
if self._msg is None:
#Returns NULL if any error occurs.
header = Message._get_header (self._msg, header)
if header == None:
raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER)
return header
def get_filename(self):
"""Return the file path of the message file
:returns: Absolute file path & name of the message file
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message
is not initialized.
if self._msg is None:
return Message._get_filename(self._msg)
def get_tags(self):
""" Return the message tags
:returns: Message tags
:rtype: :class:`Tags`
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`
is not initialized.
if self._msg is None:
tags_p = Message._get_tags(self._msg)
if tags_p == None:
raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER)
return Tags(tags_p, self)
def add_tag(self, tag):
"""Add a tag to the given message
Adds a tag to the current message. The maximal tag length is defined in
the notmuch library and is currently 200 bytes.
:param tag: String with a 'tag' to be added.
:returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the tag was successfully added.
Raises an exception otherwise.
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning:
The 'tag' argument is NULL
The length of 'tag' is too long
(exceeds Message.NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX)
Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot be
The message has not been initialized.
if self._msg is None:
status = nmlib.notmuch_message_add_tag (self._msg, tag)
if STATUS.SUCCESS == status:
# return on success
return status
raise NotmuchError(status)
def remove_tag(self, tag):
"""Removes a tag from the given message
If the message has no such tag, this is a non-operation and
will report success anyway.
:param tag: String with a 'tag' to be removed.
:returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the tag was successfully removed or if
the message had no such tag.
Raises an exception otherwise.
:exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning:
The 'tag' argument is NULL
The length of 'tag' is too long
Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot
be modified.
The message has not been initialized.
if self._msg is None:
status = nmlib.notmuch_message_remove_tag(self._msg, tag)
if STATUS.SUCCESS == status:
# return on success
return status
raise NotmuchError(status)
def __str__(self):
"""A message() is represented by a 1-line summary"""
msg = {}
msg['from'] = self.get_header('from')
msg['tags'] = str(self.get_tags())
msg['date'] = date.fromtimestamp(self.get_date())
return "%(from)s (%(date)s) (%(tags)s)" % (msg)
def format_as_text(self):
"""Output like notmuch show (Not implemented)"""
return str(self)
def __del__(self):
"""Close and free the notmuch Message"""
if self._msg is not None:
logging.debug("Freeing the Message now")
nmlib.notmuch_message_destroy (self._msg)