mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:35:14 +01:00
Current code does not distinguish between an empty string in the NMBPREFIX environment variable and the variable being undefined. This makes it impossible to define an empty prefix, if, e.g. somebody wants to dump all of their tags with nmbug.
678 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
678 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2011 David Bremner
# License: same as notmuch
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Pod::Usage;
no encoding;
my $NMBGIT = $ENV{NMBGIT} || $ENV{HOME}.'/.nmbug';
$NMBGIT .= '/.git' if (-d $NMBGIT.'/.git');
my $TAGPREFIX = defined($ENV{NMBPREFIX}) ? $ENV{NMBPREFIX} : 'notmuch::';
# for encoding
my $ESCAPE_CHAR = '%';
my $NO_ESCAPE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.
my $MUST_ENCODE = qr{[^\Q$NO_ESCAPE\E]};
my $ESCAPED_RX = qr{$ESCAPE_CHAR([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})};
my %command = (
archive => \&do_archive,
checkout => \&do_checkout,
commit => \&do_commit,
fetch => \&do_fetch,
help => \&do_help,
log => \&do_log,
merge => \&do_merge,
pull => \&do_pull,
push => \&do_push,
status => \&do_status,
# Convert prefix into form suitable for literal matching against
# notmuch dump --format=batch-tag output.
my $ENCPREFIX = encode_for_fs ($TAGPREFIX);
$ENCPREFIX =~ s/:/%3a/g;
my $subcommand = shift || usage ();
if (!exists $command{$subcommand}) {
usage ();
# magic hash for git
my $EMPTYBLOB = git (qw{hash-object -t blob /dev/null});
sub git_pipe {
my $envref = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? shift : {};
my $ioref = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? shift : undef;
my $dir = ($_[0] eq '-|' or $_[0] eq '|-') ? shift : undef;
unshift @_, 'git';
$envref->{GIT_DIR} ||= $NMBGIT;
spawn ($envref, defined $ioref ? $ioref : (), defined $dir ? $dir : (), @_);
sub git {
my $fh = git_pipe (@_);
my $str = join ('', <$fh>);
unless (close $fh) {
die "'git @_' exited with nonzero value\n";
return $str;
sub spawn {
my $envref = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? shift : {};
my $ioref = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? shift : undef;
my $dir = ($_[0] eq '-|' or $_[0] eq '|-') ? shift : '-|';
die unless @_;
if (open my $child, $dir) {
return $child;
# child
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$envref}) {
$ENV{$key} = $value;
if (defined $ioref && $dir eq '-|') {
open my $fh, '|-', @_ or die "open |- @_: $!";
foreach my $line (@{$ioref}) {
print $fh $line, "\n";
exit ! close $fh;
} else {
if ($dir ne '|-') {
open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null' or die "reopening stdin: $!"
exec @_;
die "exec @_: $!";
sub get_tags {
my $prefix = shift;
my @tags;
my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch search --output=tags/, "*")
or die 'error dumping tags';
while (<$fh>) {
chomp ();
push @tags, $_ if (m/^$prefix/);
unless (close $fh) {
die "'notmuch search --output=tags *' exited with nonzero value\n";
return @tags;
sub do_archive {
system ('git', "--git-dir=$NMBGIT", 'archive', 'HEAD');
sub is_committed {
my $status = shift;
return scalar (@{$status->{added}} ) + scalar (@{$status->{deleted}} ) == 0;
sub do_commit {
my @args = @_;
my $status = compute_status ();
if ( is_committed ($status) ) {
print "Nothing to commit\n";
my $index = read_tree ('HEAD');
update_index ($index, $status);
my $tree = git ( { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'write-tree')
or die 'no output from write-tree';
my $parent = git ( 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' )
or die 'no output from rev-parse';
my $commit = git ([ @args ], 'commit-tree', $tree, '-p', $parent)
or die 'commit-tree';
git ('update-ref', 'HEAD', $commit);
unlink $index || die "unlink: $!";
sub read_tree {
my $treeish = shift;
my $index = $NMBGIT.'/nmbug.index';
git ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'read-tree', '--empty');
git ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'read-tree', $treeish);
return $index;
sub update_index {
my $index = shift;
my $status = shift;
my $git = spawn ({ GIT_DIR => $NMBGIT, GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
'|-', qw/git update-index --index-info/)
or die 'git update-index';
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
index_tags_for_msg ($git, $pair->{id}, 'D', $pair->{tag});
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
index_tags_for_msg ($git, $pair->{id}, 'A', $pair->{tag});
unless (close $git) {
die "'git update-index --index-info' exited with nonzero value\n";
sub do_fetch {
my $remote = shift || 'origin';
git ('fetch', $remote);
sub notmuch {
my @args = @_;
system ('notmuch', @args) == 0 or die "notmuch @args failed: $?";
sub index_tags {
my $index = $NMBGIT.'/nmbug.index';
my $query = join ' ', map ("tag:\"$_\"", get_tags ($TAGPREFIX));
my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch dump --format=batch-tag --/, $query)
or die "notmuch dump: $!";
git ('read-tree', '--empty');
my $git = spawn ({ GIT_DIR => $NMBGIT, GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
'|-', qw/git update-index --index-info/)
or die 'git update-index';
while (<$fh>) {
my ($rest,$id) = split(/ -- id:/);
if ($id =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*$/$1/) {
# xapian quoted string, dequote.
$id =~ s/""/"/g;
#strip prefixes from tags before writing
my @tags = grep { s/^[+]$ENCPREFIX//; } split (' ', $rest);
index_tags_for_msg ($git,$id, 'A', @tags);
unless (close $git) {
die "'git update-index --index-info' exited with nonzero value\n";
unless (close $fh) {
die "'notmuch dump --format=batch-tag -- $query' exited with nonzero value\n";
return $index;
# update the git index to either create or delete an empty file.
# Neither argument should be encoded/escaped.
sub index_tags_for_msg {
my $fh = shift;
my $msgid = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $hash = $EMPTYBLOB;
my $blobmode = '100644';
if ($mode eq 'D') {
$blobmode = '0';
$hash = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
foreach my $tag (@_) {
my $tagpath = 'tags/' . encode_for_fs ($msgid) . '/' . encode_for_fs ($tag);
print $fh "$blobmode $hash\t$tagpath\n";
sub do_checkout {
do_sync (action => 'checkout');
sub quote_for_xapian {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/"/""/g;
return '"' . $str . '"';
sub pair_to_batch_line {
my ($action, $pair) = @_;
# the tag should already be suitably encoded
return $action . $ENCPREFIX . $pair->{tag} .
' -- id:' . quote_for_xapian ($pair->{id})."\n";
sub do_sync {
my %args = @_;
my $status = compute_status ();
my ($A_action, $D_action);
if ($args{action} eq 'checkout') {
$A_action = '-';
$D_action = '+';
} else {
$A_action = '+';
$D_action = '-';
my $notmuch = spawn ({}, '|-', qw/notmuch tag --batch/)
or die 'notmuch tag --batch';
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
print $notmuch pair_to_batch_line ($A_action, $pair);
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
print $notmuch pair_to_batch_line ($D_action, $pair);
unless (close $notmuch) {
die "'notmuch tag --batch' exited with nonzero value\n";
sub insist_committed {
my $status=compute_status();
if ( !is_committed ($status) ) {
print "Uncommitted changes to $TAGPREFIX* tags in notmuch
For a summary of changes, run 'nmbug status'
To save your changes, run 'nmbug commit' before merging/pull
To discard your changes, run 'nmbug checkout'
exit (1);
sub do_pull {
my $remote = shift || 'origin';
git ( 'fetch', $remote);
do_merge ();
sub do_merge {
insist_committed ();
my $tempwork = tempdir ('/tmp/nmbug-merge.XXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);
git ( { GIT_WORK_TREE => $tempwork }, 'checkout', '-f', 'HEAD');
git ( { GIT_WORK_TREE => $tempwork }, 'merge', 'FETCH_HEAD');
do_checkout ();
sub do_log {
# we don't want output trapping here, because we want the pager.
system ( 'git', "--git-dir=$NMBGIT", 'log', '--name-status', @_);
sub do_push {
my $remote = shift || 'origin';
git ('push', $remote, 'master');
sub do_status {
my $status = compute_status ();
my %output = ();
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
$output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'A'
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
$output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'D'
foreach my $pair (@{$status->{missing}}) {
$output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'U'
if (is_unmerged ()) {
foreach my $pair (diff_refs ('A')) {
$output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} ||= ' ';
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} .= 'a';
foreach my $pair (diff_refs ('D')) {
$output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} ||= ' ';
$output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} .= 'd';
foreach my $id (sort keys %output) {
foreach my $tag (sort keys %{$output{$id}}) {
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", $output{$id}{$tag}, $id, $tag;
sub is_unmerged {
return 0 if (! -f $NMBGIT.'/FETCH_HEAD');
my $fetch_head = git ('rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD');
my $base = git ( 'merge-base', 'HEAD', 'FETCH_HEAD');
return ($base ne $fetch_head);
sub compute_status {
my %args = @_;
my @added;
my @deleted;
my @missing;
my $index = index_tags ();
my @maybe_deleted = diff_index ($index, 'D');
foreach my $pair (@maybe_deleted) {
my $id = $pair->{id};
my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch search --output=files/,"id:$id")
or die "searching for $id";
if (!<$fh>) {
push @missing, $pair;
} else {
push @deleted, $pair;
unless (close $fh) {
die "'notmuch search --output=files id:$id' exited with nonzero value\n";
@added = diff_index ($index, 'A');
unlink $index || die "unlink $index: $!";
return { added => [@added], deleted => [@deleted], missing => [@missing] };
sub diff_index {
my $index = shift;
my $filter = shift;
my $fh = git_pipe ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
qw/diff-index --cached/,
"--diff-filter=$filter", qw/--name-only HEAD/ );
my @lines = unpack_diff_lines ($fh);
unless (close $fh) {
die "'git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=$filter --name-only HEAD' ",
"exited with nonzero value\n";
return @lines;
sub diff_refs {
my $filter = shift;
my $ref1 = shift || 'HEAD';
my $ref2 = shift || 'FETCH_HEAD';
my $fh= git_pipe ( 'diff', "--diff-filter=$filter", '--name-only',
$ref1, $ref2);
my @lines = unpack_diff_lines ($fh);
unless (close $fh) {
die "'git diff --diff-filter=$filter --name-only $ref1 $ref2' ",
"exited with nonzero value\n";
return @lines;
sub unpack_diff_lines {
my $fh = shift;
my @found;
while(<$fh>) {
chomp ();
my ($id,$tag) = m|tags/ ([^/]+) / ([^/]+) |x;
$id = decode_from_fs ($id);
$tag = decode_from_fs ($tag);
push @found, { id => $id, tag => $tag };
return @found;
sub encode_for_fs {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/($MUST_ENCODE)/"$ESCAPE_CHAR".sprintf ("%02x",ord ($1))/ge;
return $str;
sub decode_from_fs {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/$ESCAPED_RX/ chr (hex ($1))/eg;
return $str;
sub usage {
pod2usage ();
exit (1);
sub do_help {
pod2usage ( -verbose => 2 );
exit (0);
=head1 NAME
nmbug - manage notmuch tags about notmuch
nmbug subcommand [options]
B<nmbug help> for more help
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 Most common commands
=over 8
=item B<commit> [message]
Commit appropriately prefixed tags from the notmuch database to
git. Any extra arguments are used (one per line) as a commit message.
=item B<push> [remote]
push local nmbug git state to remote repo
=item B<pull> [remote]
pull (merge) remote repo changes to notmuch. B<pull> is equivalent to
B<fetch> followed by B<merge>.
=head2 Other Useful Commands
=over 8
=item B<checkout>
Update the notmuch database from git. This is mainly useful to discard
your changes in notmuch relative to git.
=item B<fetch> [remote]
Fetch changes from the remote repo (see merge to bring those changes
into notmuch).
=item B<help> [subcommand]
print help [for subcommand]
=item B<log> [parameters]
A simple wrapper for git log. After running C<nmbug fetch>, you can
inspect the changes with C<nmbug log HEAD..FETCH_HEAD>
=item B<merge>
Merge changes from FETCH_HEAD into HEAD, and load the result into
=item B<status>
Show pending updates in notmuch or git repo. See below for more
information about the output format.
=head2 Less common commands
=over 8
=item B<archive>
Dump a tar archive (using git archive) of the current nmbug tag set.
B<nmbug status> prints lines of the form
ng Message-Id tag
where n is a single character representing notmuch database status
=over 8
=item B<A>
Tag is present in notmuch database, but not committed to nmbug
(equivalently, tag has been deleted in nmbug repo, e.g. by a pull, but
not restored to notmuch database).
=item B<D>
Tag is present in nmbug repo, but not restored to notmuch database
(equivalently, tag has been deleted in notmuch)
=item B<U>
Message is unknown (missing from local notmuch database)
The second character (if present) represents a difference between remote
git and local. Typically C<nmbug fetch> needs to be run to update this.
=over 8
=item B<a>
Tag is present in remote, but not in local git.
=item B<d>
Tag is present in local git, but not in remote git.
Each tag $tag for message with Message-Id $id is written to
an empty file
The encoding preserves alphanumerics, and the characters "+-_@=.:,"
(not the quotes). All other octets are replaced with '%' followed by
a two digit hex number.
B<NMBGIT> specifies the location of the git repository used by nmbug.
If not specified $HOME/.nmbug is used.
B<NMBPREFIX> specifies the prefix in the notmuch database for tags of
interest to nmbug. If not specified 'notmuch::' is used.