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synced 2025-03-15 20:15:13 +01:00
We put some effort into testing the built copy rather than some installed copy. On the other hand for people like packagers, testing the installed copy is also of interest. When NOTMUCH_TEST_INSTALLED is set to a nonempty value, tests do not require a built notmuch tree or running configure. Some of the tests marked as broken when running against installed notmuch are probably fixable.
360 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
360 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
test_description="\"notmuch dump\" and \"notmuch restore\""
. $(dirname "$0")/test-lib.sh || exit 1
NOTMUCH_NEW > /dev/null
test_begin_subtest "dump header"
#notmuch-dump batch-tag:3 config,properties,tags
notmuch dump > OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
test_begin_subtest "Dumping all tags"
test_expect_success 'generate_message && notmuch new && notmuch dump > dump.expected'
# The use of from:cworth is rather arbitrary: it matches some of the
# email corpus' messages, but not all of them.
test_begin_subtest "Dumping all tags II"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch tag +ABC +DEF -- from:cworth &&
notmuch dump > dump-ABC_DEF.expected &&
! cmp dump.expected dump-ABC_DEF.expected'
test_begin_subtest "Clearing all tags"
test_expect_success \
'sed -e "s/(\([^(]*\))$/()/" < dump.expected > clear.expected &&
notmuch restore --input=clear.expected &&
notmuch dump > clear.actual &&
test_cmp clear.expected clear.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Clearing all tags"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch tag +ABC +DEF -- from:cworth &&
notmuch restore --accumulate < dump.expected &&
notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
test_cmp dump-ABC_DEF.expected dump.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Restoring original tags"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Restore with nothing to do"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch restore < dump.expected &&
notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Accumulate with existing tags"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch restore --accumulate --input=dump.expected &&
notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Accumulate with no tags"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch restore --accumulate < clear.expected &&
notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'
test_begin_subtest "Accumulate with new tags"
test_expect_success \
'notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
notmuch restore --accumulate --input=dump-ABC_DEF.expected &&
notmuch dump > OUTPUT.$test_count &&
notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
test_cmp dump-ABC_DEF.expected OUTPUT.$test_count'
# notmuch restore currently only considers the first argument.
test_begin_subtest "Invalid restore invocation"
test_expect_success \
'test_must_fail notmuch restore --input=dump.expected another_one'
test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-outfile.actual
test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile --"
notmuch dump --output=dump-1-arg-dash.actual --
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-1-arg-dash.actual
# gzipped output
test_begin_subtest "dump --gzip"
notmuch dump --gzip > dump-gzip.gz
gunzip dump-gzip.gz
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-gzip
test_begin_subtest "dump --gzip --output=outfile"
notmuch dump --gzip --output=dump-gzip-outfile.gz
gunzip dump-gzip-outfile.gz
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-gzip-outfile
test_begin_subtest "restoring gzipped stdin"
notmuch dump --gzip --output=backup.gz
notmuch tag +new_tag '*'
notmuch restore < backup.gz
notmuch dump --output=dump.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump.actual
test_begin_subtest "restoring gzipped file"
notmuch dump --gzip --output=backup.gz
notmuch tag +new_tag '*'
notmuch restore --input=backup.gz
notmuch dump --output=dump.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump.actual
# Note, we assume all messages from cworth have a message-id
# containing cworth.org
{ head -1 dump.expected ; grep 'cworth[.]org' dump.expected; } > dump-cworth.expected
test_begin_subtest "dump -- from:cworth"
notmuch dump -- from:cworth > dump-dash-cworth.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-dash-cworth.actual
if [ "${NOTMUCH_HAVE_SFSEXP-0}" = "1" ]; then
test_begin_subtest "dump --query=sexp -- '(from cworth)'"
notmuch dump --query=sexp -- '(from cworth)' > dump-dash-cworth.actual2
test_expect_equal_file_nonempty dump-cworth.expected dump-dash-cworth.actual2
test_begin_subtest "dump --query=sexp --output=outfile '(from cworth)'"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile-cworth.actual2 --query=sexp '(from cworth)'
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-outfile-cworth.actual2
test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile from:cworth"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile-cworth.actual from:cworth
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-outfile-cworth.actual
test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile -- from:cworth"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile-dash-inbox.actual -- from:cworth
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-outfile-dash-inbox.actual
test_begin_subtest "Check for a safe set of message-ids"
notmuch search --output=messages from:cworth | sed s/^id:// > EXPECTED
notmuch search --output=messages from:cworth | sed s/^id:// |\
$TEST_DIRECTORY/hex-xcode --direction=encode > OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, dump sanity check."
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS --format=sup from:cworth | cut -f1 -d' ' | \
sort > EXPECTED.$test_count
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS --format=batch-tag from:cworth | sed 's/^.*-- id://' | \
sort > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, missing newline"
printf "+a_tag_without_newline -- id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net" > IN
notmuch restore --accumulate < IN
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net > OUT
+a_tag_without_newline +inbox +unread -- id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUT
test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, # round-trip"
notmuch dump --format=sup | sort > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > DUMPFILE
notmuch restore --format=batch-tag < DUMPFILE
notmuch dump --format=sup | sort > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, # blank lines and comments"
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag| sort > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch restore <<EOF
# this line is a comment; the next has only white space
# the previous line is empty
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag | sort > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, # reverse-round-trip empty tag"
cat <<EOF >EXPECTED.$test_count
+ -- id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net
notmuch restore --format=batch-tag < EXPECTED.$test_count
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS --format=batch-tag id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
enc1=$($TEST_DIRECTORY/hex-xcode --direction=encode "$tag1")
tag2=$(printf 'this\n tag\t has\n spaces')
enc2=$($TEST_DIRECTORY/hex-xcode --direction=encode "$tag2")
tag3=$($TEST_DIRECTORY/hex-xcode --direction=decode $enc3)
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > BACKUP
notmuch tag +"$tag1" +"$tag2" +"$tag3" -inbox -unread "*"
# initial segment of file used for several tests below.
cat <<EOF > comments-and-blanks
# this is a comment
# next line has leading whitespace
test_begin_subtest 'restoring empty file is not an error'
notmuch restore < /dev/null 2>OUTPUT.$test_count
cp /dev/null EXPECTED
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'file of comments and blank lines is not an error'
notmuch restore --input=comments-and-blanks
test_expect_equal "$ret_val" "0"
cp comments-and-blanks leading-comments-blanks-batch-tag
echo "+some_tag -- id:yun1vjwegii.fsf@aiko.keithp.com" \
>> leading-comments-blanks-batch-tag
test_begin_subtest 'detect format=batch-tag with leading comments and blanks'
notmuch restore --input=leading-comments-blanks-batch-tag
notmuch search --output=tags id:yun1vjwegii.fsf@aiko.keithp.com > OUTPUT.$test_count
echo "some_tag" > EXPECTED
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT.$test_count
cp comments-and-blanks leading-comments-blanks-sup
echo "yun1vjwegii.fsf@aiko.keithp.com (another_tag)" \
>> leading-comments-blanks-sup
test_begin_subtest 'detect format=sup with leading comments and blanks'
notmuch restore --input=leading-comments-blanks-sup
notmuch search --output=tags id:yun1vjwegii.fsf@aiko.keithp.com > OUTPUT.$test_count
echo "another_tag" > EXPECTED
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=batch-tag, round trip with strange tags'
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > DUMPFILE
notmuch restore --format=batch-tag < DUMPFILE
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=batch-tag, checking encoded output'
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS --format=batch-tag -- from:cworth |\
awk "{ print \"+$enc1 +$enc2 +$enc3 -- \" \$5 }" > EXPECTED.$test_count
NOTMUCH_DUMP_TAGS --format=batch-tag -- from:cworth > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'restoring sane tags'
notmuch restore --format=batch-tag < BACKUP
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file BACKUP OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=batch-tag, restore=auto'
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch tag -inbox -unread "*"
notmuch restore --format=auto < EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=sup, restore=auto'
notmuch dump --format=sup > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch tag -inbox -unread "*"
notmuch restore --format=auto < EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=sup > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=batch-tag, restore=default'
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch tag -inbox -unread "*"
notmuch restore < EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'format=sup, restore=default'
notmuch dump --format=sup > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch tag -inbox -unread "*"
notmuch restore < EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=sup > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
test_begin_subtest 'restore: checking error messages'
notmuch restore <<EOF 2>OUTPUT
# the next line has a space
+a +b
# trailing whitespace
+a +b
+c +d --
# this is a harmless comment, do not yell about it.
# the previous line was blank; also no yelling please
+%zz -- id:whatever
+e +f id:"
+e +f tag:abc
# the next non-comment line should report an an empty tag error for
# batch tagging, but not for restore
+ +e -- id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net
# valid id, but warning about missing message
+e id:missing_message_id
# exercise parser
+e -- id:some)stuff
+e -- id:some stuff
+e -- id:some"stuff
+e -- id:"a_message_id_with""_a_quote"
+e -- id:"a message id with spaces"
+e -- id:an_id_with_leading_and_trailing_ws \
Warning: cannot parse query: a (skipping)
Warning: no query string [+0]
Warning: no query string [+a +b]
Warning: missing query string [+a +b ]
Warning: no query string after -- [+c +d --]
Warning: hex decoding of tag %zz failed [+%zz -- id:whatever]
Warning: cannot parse query: id:" (skipping)
Warning: not an id query: tag:abc (skipping)
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: missing_message_id
Warning: cannot parse query: id:some)stuff (skipping)
Warning: cannot parse query: id:some stuff (skipping)
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: some"stuff
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: a_message_id_with"_a_quote
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: a message id with spaces
Warning: cannot apply tags to missing message: an_id_with_leading_and_trailing_ws
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED OUTPUT
test_begin_subtest 'roundtripping random message-ids and tags'
${TEST_DIRECTORY}/random-corpus --config-path=${NOTMUCH_CONFIG} \
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag| \
sort > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch tag +this_tag_is_very_unlikely_to_be_random '*'
notmuch restore --format=batch-tag < EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag| \
sort > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count