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synced 2025-02-26 20:02:24 +01:00
As discussed in id:871udhcmks.fsf@zancas.localnet, notmuch-vim doesn't really meet the standards of the CLI, emacs interface, or python bindings in terms of being well maintained.
24 lines
994 B
24 lines
994 B
" notmuch show mode syntax file
syntax cluster nmShowMsgDesc contains=nmShowMsgDescWho,nmShowMsgDescDate,nmShowMsgDescTags
syntax match nmShowMsgDescWho /[^)]\+)/ contained
syntax match nmShowMsgDescDate / ([^)]\+[0-9]) / contained
syntax match nmShowMsgDescTags /([^)]\+)$/ contained
syntax cluster nmShowMsgHead contains=nmShowMsgHeadKey,nmShowMsgHeadVal
syntax match nmShowMsgHeadKey /^[^:]\+: / contained
syntax match nmShowMsgHeadVal /^\([^:]\+: \)\@<=.*/ contained
syntax cluster nmShowMsgBody contains=@nmShowMsgBodyMail,@nmShowMsgBodyGit
syntax include @nmShowMsgBodyMail syntax/mail.vim
silent! syntax include @nmShowMsgBodyGit syntax/notmuch-git-diff.vim
highlight nmShowMsgDescWho term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
highlight link nmShowMsgDescDate Type
highlight link nmShowMsgDescTags String
highlight link nmShowMsgHeadKey Macro
"highlight link nmShowMsgHeadVal NONE
highlight Folded term=reverse ctermfg=LightGrey ctermbg=Black guifg=LightGray guibg=Black