mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 23:53:15 +01:00
This is a much cleaner way to do the emacs tests, since we're actually comparing output against existing files with expected output. We also won't miss any trailing newlines this way. And speaking of which, one of the expected output files was actually missing a trailing blank line that was actually in one of the original messages, so this was fixed.
152 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file
152 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
test_description="emacs interface"
. test-lib.sh
test_begin_subtest "Basic notmuch-hello view in emacs"
test_emacs '(notmuch-hello) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-hello
test_begin_subtest "Saved search with 0 results"
test_emacs '(setq notmuch-show-empty-saved-searches t) (setq notmuch-saved-searches '\''(("inbox" . "tag:inbox") ("unread" . "tag:unread") ("empty" . "tag:doesnotexist"))) (notmuch-hello) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-hello-with-empty
test_begin_subtest "No saved searches displayed (all with 0 results)"
test_emacs '(setq notmuch-saved-searches '\''(("empty" . "tag:doesnotexist"))) (notmuch-hello) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-hello-no-saved-searches
test_begin_subtest "Basic notmuch-search view in emacs"
test_emacs '(notmuch-search "tag:inbox") (notmuch-test-wait) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-search-tag-inbox
test_begin_subtest "Navigation of notmuch-hello to search results"
test_emacs '(notmuch-hello) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "inbox") (widget-button-press (point)) (notmuch-test-wait) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-hello-view-inbox
test_begin_subtest "Basic notmuch-show view in emacs"
maildir_storage_thread=$(notmuch search --output=threads id:20091117190054.GU3165@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu)
test_emacs "(notmuch-show \"$maildir_storage_thread\") (princ (buffer-string))" >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-show-thread-maildir-storage
test_begin_subtest "notmuch-show for message with invalid From"
add_message "[subject]=\"message-with-invalid-from\"" "[from]=\"\\\"Invalid \\\" From\\\" <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>\""
thread=$(notmuch search --output=threads subject:message-with-invalid-from)
output=$(test_emacs "(notmuch-show \"$thread\") (princ (buffer-string))")
test_expect_equal "$output" \
'"Invalid " From" <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> (2001-01-05) (inbox)
Subject: message-with-invalid-from
To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2001 15:43:57 -0000
This is just a test message (#1)'
test_begin_subtest "Navigation of notmuch-search to thread view"
test_emacs '(notmuch-search "tag:inbox") (notmuch-test-wait) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "Working with Maildir") (notmuch-search-show-thread) (notmuch-test-wait) (princ (buffer-string))' >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-show-thread-maildir-storage
test_begin_subtest "Add tag from search view"
os_x_darwin_thread=$(notmuch search --output=threads id:ddd65cda0911171950o4eea4389v86de9525e46052d3@mail.gmail.com)
test_emacs "(notmuch-search \"$os_x_darwin_thread\") (notmuch-test-wait) (notmuch-search-add-tag \"tag-from-search-view\")"
output=$(notmuch search $os_x_darwin_thread | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox tag-from-search-view unread)"
test_begin_subtest "Remove tag from search view"
test_emacs "(notmuch-search \"$os_x_darwin_thread\") (notmuch-test-wait) (notmuch-search-remove-tag \"tag-from-search-view\")"
output=$(notmuch search $os_x_darwin_thread | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)"
test_begin_subtest "Add tag from notmuch-show view"
test_emacs "(notmuch-show \"$os_x_darwin_thread\") (notmuch-show-add-tag \"tag-from-show-view\")"
output=$(notmuch search $os_x_darwin_thread | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox tag-from-show-view unread)"
test_begin_subtest "Remove tag from notmuch-show view"
test_emacs "(notmuch-show \"$os_x_darwin_thread\") (notmuch-show-remove-tag \"tag-from-show-view\")"
output=$(notmuch search $os_x_darwin_thread | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)"
test_begin_subtest "Message with .. in Message-Id:"
add_message [id]=123..456@example '[subject]="Message with .. in Message-Id"'
test_emacs '(notmuch-search "id:\"123..456@example\"") (notmuch-test-wait) (notmuch-search-add-tag "search-add") (notmuch-search-add-tag "search-remove") (notmuch-search-remove-tag "search-remove") (notmuch-show "id:\"123..456@example\"") (notmuch-test-wait) (notmuch-show-add-tag "show-add") (notmuch-show-add-tag "show-remove") (notmuch-show-remove-tag "show-remove")'
output=$(notmuch search 'id:"123..456@example"' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 2001-01-05 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; Message with .. in Message-Id (inbox search-add show-add)"
test_begin_subtest "Sending a message via (fake) SMTP"
# Before we can send a message, we have to prepare the FCC maildir
mkdir -p mail/sent/cur
mkdir -p mail/sent/new
mkdir -p mail/sent/tmp
../smtp-dummy sent_message &
test_emacs "(setq message-send-mail-function 'message-smtpmail-send-it) (setq smtpmail-smtp-server \"localhost\") (setq smtpmail-smtp-service \"25025\") (notmuch-hello) (notmuch-mua-mail) (message-goto-to) (insert \"user@example.com\nDate: Fri, 29 Mar 1974 10:00:00 -0000\") (message-goto-subject) (insert \"Testing message sent via SMTP\") (message-goto-body) (insert \"This is a test that messages are sent via SMTP\") (message-send-and-exit)" >/dev/null 2>&1
wait ${smtp_dummy_pid}
sed \
-e s',^User-Agent: Notmuch/.* Emacs/.*,User-Agent: Notmuch/XXX Emacs/XXX,' \
-e s',^Message-ID: <.*>$,Message-ID: <XXX>,' < sent_message >OUTPUT
From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
To: user@example.com
Subject: Testing message sent via SMTP
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1974 10:00:00 -0000
User-Agent: Notmuch/XXX Emacs/XXX
Message-ID: <XXX>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This is a test that messages are sent via SMTP
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT EXPECTED
test_begin_subtest "Verify that sent messages are saved/searchable (via FCC)"
notmuch new > /dev/null
output=$(notmuch search 'subject:"testing message sent via SMTP"' | notmuch_search_sanitize)
test_expect_equal "$output" "thread:XXX 1974-03-29 [1/1] Notmuch Test Suite; Testing message sent via SMTP (inbox)"
test_begin_subtest "Reply within emacs"
# We sed away everything before the ^From in the output to avoid getting
# confused by messages such as "Parsing /home/cworth/.mailrc... done"
test_emacs '(notmuch-search "subject:\"testing message sent via SMTP\"") (notmuch-test-wait) (notmuch-search-reply-to-thread) (princ (buffer-string))' | sed -ne '/^From/,$ p' | sed -e 's/^In-Reply-To: <.*>$/In-Reply-To: <XXX>/' >OUTPUT
From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>
To: user@example.com
Subject: Re: Testing message sent via SMTP
In-Reply-To: <XXX>
Fcc: $(pwd)/mail/sent
--text follows this line--
On Fri, 29 Mar 1974 10:00:00 -0000, Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> wrote:
> This is a test that messages are sent via SMTP
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT EXPECTED
test_begin_subtest "Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-attachments"
# save as archive to test that Emacs does not re-compress .gz
echo ./attachment1.gz | test_emacs '(notmuch-show "id:cf0c4d610911171136h1713aa59w9cf9aa31f052ad0a@mail.gmail.com") (notmuch-show-save-attachments)' > /dev/null 2>&1
test_expect_equal_file "$EXPECTED/attachment" attachment1.gz
test_begin_subtest "Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-part"
# save as archive to test that Emacs does not re-compress .gz
echo ./attachment2.gz | test_emacs '(notmuch-show-save-part "id:cf0c4d610911171136h1713aa59w9cf9aa31f052ad0a@mail.gmail.com" 5)' > /dev/null 2>&1
test_expect_equal_file "$EXPECTED/attachment" attachment2.gz
test_begin_subtest "View raw message within emacs"
first_line=$(head -n1 $EXPECTED/raw-message-cf0c4d-52ad0a)
test_emacs '(notmuch-show "id:cf0c4d610911171136h1713aa59w9cf9aa31f052ad0a@mail.gmail.com") (notmuch-show-view-raw-message) (princ (buffer-string))' | sed -ne "/$first_line/,\$ p" >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/raw-message-cf0c4d-52ad0a
test_begin_subtest "Hiding/showing signature in notmuch-show view"
maildir_storage_thread=$(notmuch search --output=threads id:20091117190054.GU3165@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu)
test_emacs "(notmuch-show \"$maildir_storage_thread\")
(search-forward \"Click/Enter to show.\")
(button-activate (button-at (point)))
(search-backward \"Click/Enter to hide.\")
(button-activate (button-at (point)))
(princ (buffer-string))" >OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT $EXPECTED/notmuch-show-thread-maildir-storage