David Bremner 6ee07a9c6d notmuch-vim: deprecate, move to contrib
As discussed in id:871udhcmks.fsf@zancas.localnet, notmuch-vim doesn't
really meet the standards of the CLI, emacs interface, or python
bindings in terms of being well maintained.
2013-02-16 08:03:09 -04:00

12 lines
383 B

" notmuch folders mode syntax file
syntax region nmFoldersCount start='^' end='\%10v'
syntax region nmFoldersName start='\%11v' end='\%31v'
syntax match nmFoldersSearch /([^()]\+)$/
highlight link nmFoldersCount Statement
highlight link nmFoldersName Type
highlight link nmFoldersSearch String
highlight CursorLine term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse