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From: Suresh Jayaraman <sjayaraman-l3A5Bk7waGM@public.gmane.org>
Subject: Re: [RFC][PATCH 05/10] cifs: define superblock-level cache index
objects and register them
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 18:14:16 +0530
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Cc: Steve French <smfrench-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org>, linux-cifs-u79uwXL29TY76Z2rM5mHXA@public.gmane.org,
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To: David Howells <dhowells-H+wXaHxf7aLQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org>
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On 06/23/2010 10:28 PM, David Howells wrote:
> Suresh Jayaraman <sjayaraman-l3A5Bk7waGM@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> Define superblock-level cache index objects (managed by cifsTconInfo
>> structs). Each superblock object is created in a server-level index object
>> and in itself an index into which inode-level objects are inserted.
>> Currently, the superblock objects are keyed by sharename.
> Seems reasonable. Is there any way you can check that the share you are
> looking at on a server is the same as the last time you looked? Can you
Good point.
I thought of using TID (Tree identifier; a unique ID for a resource in
use by client) along with sharename. But, Server is free to reuse them
when the tree connection closes and does not guarantee the same Tid for
a particular resource across tree connections.
Also, considering the UNC name of the resource (//server/share) may not
be a good idea too as the cache will not be used when for e.g. IPaddress
is used to mount.
So, if a server does something like this:
- export a share 'foo' (original server path: /export/vol1/foo)
- client mounts and uses it
- server unexports the share 'foo'
- server exports 'foo' (original sever path: /export/vol2/foo)
we have a bit of problem..
> validate the root directory of the share in some way?
I don't know if there is a way to do this.
Suresh Jayaraman