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synced 2025-03-14 03:25:15 +01:00
After new notmuch release has been published the NEWS and manual pages have been updated using these 2 programs. Adding the tools to notmuch repository eases their use, adds more transparency to the "process" and gives more people chance to do the updates is one is unavailable to do it at the time being.
102 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file
102 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file
# Author: Tomi Ollila
# License: same as notmuch
# This program is used to split NEWS file to separate (mdwn) files
# for notmuch wiki. Example run:
# $ ./devel/news2wiki.pl NEWS ../notmuch-wiki/news
# In case taken into more generic use, modify these comments and examples.
use strict;
use warnings;
unless (@ARGV == 2) {
warn "\n$0 <source-file> <destination-directory>\n\n";
warn "Example: ./devel/news2wiki.pl NEWS ../notmuch-wiki/news\n\n";
exit 1;
die "'$ARGV[0]': no such file\n" unless -f $ARGV[0];
die "'$ARGV[1]': no such directory\n" unless -d $ARGV[1];
open I, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "Cannot open '$ARGV[0]': $!\n";
open O, '>', '/dev/null' or die $!;
my @emptylines = ();
my $cln;
print "\nWriting to $ARGV[1]:\n";
while (<I>)
warn "$ARGV[0]:$.: tab(s) in line!\n" if /\t/;
warn "$ARGV[0]:$.: trailing whitespace\n" if /\s\s$/;
# The date part in regex recognizes wip version dates like: (201x-xx-xx).
if (/^Notmuch\s+(\S+)\s+\((\w\w\w\w-\w\w-\w\w)\)\s*$/) {
# open O... autocloses previously opened file.
open O, '>', "$ARGV[1]/release-$1.mdwn" or die $!;
print "+ release-$1.mdwn...\n";
print O "[[!meta date=\"$2\"]]\n\n";
@emptylines = ();
last if /^<!--\s*$/; # Local variables block at the end (as of now).
# Buffer "trailing" empty lines -- dropped at end of file.
push(@emptylines, $_), next if s/^\s*$/\n/;
if (@emptylines) {
print O @emptylines;
@emptylines = ();
# Convert '*' to '`*`' and "*" to "`*`" so that * is not considered
# as starting emphasis character there. We're a bit opportunistic
# there -- some single * does not cause problems and, on the other
# hand, this would not regognize already 'secured' *:s.
s/'[*]'/'`*`'/g; s/"[*]"/"`*`"/g;
# Convert nonindented lines that aren't already headers or
# don't contain periods (.) or '!'s to level 4 header.
if ( /^[^\s-]/ ) {
my $tbc = ! /[.!]\s/;
my @l = $_;
$cln = $.;
while (<I>) {
last if /^\s*$/;
#$cln = 0 if /^---/ or /^===/; # used for debugging.
$tbc = 0 if /[.!]\s/ or /^---/ or /^===/;
chomp; s/^\s+//;
push @l, $_;
if ($tbc) {
print O "### ", (join ' ', @l), "\n";
else {
#print "$ARGV[0]:$cln: skip level 4 header conversion\n" if $cln;
print O (join "\n", @l), "\n";
@emptylines = ( "\n" );
# Markdown doc specifies that list item may have paragraphs if those
# are indented by 4 spaces (or a tab) from current list item marker
# indentation (paragraph meaning there is empty line in between).
# If there is empty line and next line is not indented 4 chars then
# that should end the above list. This doesn't happen in all markdown
# implementations.
# In our NEWS case this problem exists in release 0.6 documentation.
# It can be avoided by removing 2 leading spaces in lines that are not
# list items and requiring all that indents are 0, 2, and 4+ (to make
# regexp below work).
# Nested lists are supported but one needs to be more careful with
# markup there (as the hack below works only on first level).
s/^[ ][ ]// unless /^[ ][ ](?:[\s*+-]|\d+\.)\s/;
print O $_;
print "\ndone.\n";
close O;