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synced 2025-02-17 00:33:24 +01:00
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1299 lines
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from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date, datetime
import itertools
import operator
import re
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas._libs.internals import BlockPlacement
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Categorical, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Index, MultiIndex, Series
import pandas._testing as tm
import pandas.core.algorithms as algos
from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray, SparseArray, TimedeltaArray
from pandas.core.internals import BlockManager, SingleBlockManager, make_block
def mgr():
return create_mgr(
"a: f8; b: object; c: f8; d: object; e: f8;"
"f: bool; g: i8; h: complex; i: datetime-1; j: datetime-2;"
"k: M8[ns, US/Eastern]; l: M8[ns, CET];"
def assert_block_equal(left, right):
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(left.values, right.values)
assert left.dtype == right.dtype
assert isinstance(left.mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
assert isinstance(right.mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(left.mgr_locs.as_array, right.mgr_locs.as_array)
def get_numeric_mat(shape):
arr = np.arange(shape[0])
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
x=arr, shape=shape, strides=(arr.itemsize,) + (0,) * (len(shape) - 1)
N = 10
def create_block(typestr, placement, item_shape=None, num_offset=0):
Supported typestr:
* float, f8, f4, f2
* int, i8, i4, i2, i1
* uint, u8, u4, u2, u1
* complex, c16, c8
* bool
* object, string, O
* datetime, dt, M8[ns], M8[ns, tz]
* timedelta, td, m8[ns]
* sparse (SparseArray with fill_value=0.0)
* sparse_na (SparseArray with fill_value=np.nan)
* category, category2
placement = BlockPlacement(placement)
num_items = len(placement)
if item_shape is None:
item_shape = (N,)
shape = (num_items,) + item_shape
mat = get_numeric_mat(shape)
if typestr in (
values = mat.astype(typestr) + num_offset
elif typestr in ("complex", "c16", "c8"):
values = 1.0j * (mat.astype(typestr) + num_offset)
elif typestr in ("object", "string", "O"):
values = np.reshape([f"A{i:d}" for i in mat.ravel() + num_offset], shape)
elif typestr in ("b", "bool"):
values = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.bool_)
elif typestr in ("datetime", "dt", "M8[ns]"):
values = (mat * 1e9).astype("M8[ns]")
elif typestr.startswith("M8[ns"):
# datetime with tz
m = re.search(r"M8\[ns,\s*(\w+\/?\w*)\]", typestr)
assert m is not None, f"incompatible typestr -> {typestr}"
tz = m.groups()[0]
assert num_items == 1, "must have only 1 num items for a tz-aware"
values = DatetimeIndex(np.arange(N) * 1e9, tz=tz)
elif typestr in ("timedelta", "td", "m8[ns]"):
values = (mat * 1).astype("m8[ns]")
elif typestr in ("category",):
values = Categorical([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4])
elif typestr in ("category2",):
values = Categorical(["a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "d"])
elif typestr in ("sparse", "sparse_na"):
# FIXME: doesn't support num_rows != 10
assert shape[-1] == 10
assert all(s == 1 for s in shape[:-1])
if typestr.endswith("_na"):
fill_value = np.nan
fill_value = 0.0
values = SparseArray(
[fill_value, fill_value, 1, 2, 3, fill_value, 4, 5, fill_value, 6],
arr = values.sp_values.view()
arr += num_offset - 1
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported typestr: "{typestr}"')
return make_block(values, placement=placement, ndim=len(shape))
def create_single_mgr(typestr, num_rows=None):
if num_rows is None:
num_rows = N
return SingleBlockManager(
create_block(typestr, placement=slice(0, num_rows), item_shape=()),
def create_mgr(descr, item_shape=None):
Construct BlockManager from string description.
String description syntax looks similar to np.matrix initializer. It looks
like this::
a,b,c: f8; d,e,f: i8
Rules are rather simple:
* see list of supported datatypes in `create_block` method
* components are semicolon-separated
* each component is `NAME,NAME,NAME: DTYPE_ID`
* whitespace around colons & semicolons are removed
* components with same DTYPE_ID are combined into single block
* to force multiple blocks with same dtype, use '-SUFFIX'::
'a:f8-1; b:f8-2; c:f8-foobar'
if item_shape is None:
item_shape = (N,)
offset = 0
mgr_items = []
block_placements = OrderedDict()
for d in descr.split(";"):
d = d.strip()
if not len(d):
names, blockstr = d.partition(":")[::2]
blockstr = blockstr.strip()
names = names.strip().split(",")
placement = list(np.arange(len(names)) + offset)
except KeyError:
block_placements[blockstr] = placement
offset += len(names)
mgr_items = Index(mgr_items)
blocks = []
num_offset = 0
for blockstr, placement in block_placements.items():
typestr = blockstr.split("-")[0]
typestr, placement, item_shape=item_shape, num_offset=num_offset
num_offset += len(placement)
return BlockManager(
sorted(blocks, key=lambda b: b.mgr_locs[0]),
[mgr_items] + [np.arange(n) for n in item_shape],
class TestBlock:
def setup_method(self, method):
self.fblock = create_block("float", [0, 2, 4])
self.cblock = create_block("complex", [7])
self.oblock = create_block("object", [1, 3])
self.bool_block = create_block("bool", [5])
def test_constructor(self):
int32block = create_block("i4", [0])
assert int32block.dtype == np.int32
def test_pickle(self):
def _check(blk):
assert_block_equal(tm.round_trip_pickle(blk), blk)
def test_mgr_locs(self):
assert isinstance(self.fblock.mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
self.fblock.mgr_locs.as_array, np.array([0, 2, 4], dtype=np.int64)
def test_attrs(self):
assert self.fblock.shape == self.fblock.values.shape
assert self.fblock.dtype == self.fblock.values.dtype
assert len(self.fblock) == len(self.fblock.values)
def test_copy(self):
cop = self.fblock.copy()
assert cop is not self.fblock
assert_block_equal(self.fblock, cop)
def test_delete(self):
newb = self.fblock.copy()
assert isinstance(newb.mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
newb.mgr_locs.as_array, np.array([2, 4], dtype=np.int64)
assert (newb.values[0] == 1).all()
newb = self.fblock.copy()
assert isinstance(newb.mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
newb.mgr_locs.as_array, np.array([0, 4], dtype=np.int64)
assert (newb.values[1] == 2).all()
newb = self.fblock.copy()
newb.mgr_locs.as_array, np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int64)
assert (newb.values[1] == 1).all()
newb = self.fblock.copy()
with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=None):
class TestBlockManager:
def test_attrs(self):
mgr = create_mgr("a,b,c: f8-1; d,e,f: f8-2")
assert mgr.nblocks == 2
assert len(mgr) == 6
def test_is_mixed_dtype(self):
assert not create_mgr("a,b:f8").is_mixed_type
assert not create_mgr("a:f8-1; b:f8-2").is_mixed_type
assert create_mgr("a,b:f8; c,d: f4").is_mixed_type
assert create_mgr("a,b:f8; c,d: object").is_mixed_type
def test_duplicate_ref_loc_failure(self):
tmp_mgr = create_mgr("a:bool; a: f8")
axes, blocks = tmp_mgr.axes, tmp_mgr.blocks
blocks[0].mgr_locs = np.array([0])
blocks[1].mgr_locs = np.array([0])
# test trying to create block manager with overlapping ref locs
msg = "Gaps in blk ref_locs"
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes)
blocks[0].mgr_locs = np.array([0])
blocks[1].mgr_locs = np.array([1])
mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes)
def test_pickle(self, mgr):
mgr2 = tm.round_trip_pickle(mgr)
tm.assert_frame_equal(DataFrame(mgr), DataFrame(mgr2))
# GH2431
assert hasattr(mgr2, "_is_consolidated")
assert hasattr(mgr2, "_known_consolidated")
# reset to False on load
assert not mgr2._is_consolidated
assert not mgr2._known_consolidated
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mgr_string", ["a,a,a:f8", "a: f8; a: i8"])
def test_non_unique_pickle(self, mgr_string):
mgr = create_mgr(mgr_string)
mgr2 = tm.round_trip_pickle(mgr)
tm.assert_frame_equal(DataFrame(mgr), DataFrame(mgr2))
def test_categorical_block_pickle(self):
mgr = create_mgr("a: category")
mgr2 = tm.round_trip_pickle(mgr)
tm.assert_frame_equal(DataFrame(mgr), DataFrame(mgr2))
smgr = create_single_mgr("category")
smgr2 = tm.round_trip_pickle(smgr)
tm.assert_series_equal(Series(smgr), Series(smgr2))
def test_iget(self):
cols = Index(list("abc"))
values = np.random.rand(3, 3)
block = make_block(values=values.copy(), placement=np.arange(3))
mgr = BlockManager(blocks=[block], axes=[cols, np.arange(3)])
tm.assert_almost_equal(mgr.iget(0).internal_values(), values[0])
tm.assert_almost_equal(mgr.iget(1).internal_values(), values[1])
tm.assert_almost_equal(mgr.iget(2).internal_values(), values[2])
def test_set(self):
mgr = create_mgr("a,b,c: int", item_shape=(3,))
mgr.insert(len(mgr.items), "d", np.array(["foo"] * 3))
mgr.iset(1, np.array(["bar"] * 3))
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mgr.iget(0).internal_values(), np.array([0] * 3))
mgr.iget(1).internal_values(), np.array(["bar"] * 3, dtype=np.object_)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mgr.iget(2).internal_values(), np.array([2] * 3))
mgr.iget(3).internal_values(), np.array(["foo"] * 3, dtype=np.object_)
def test_set_change_dtype(self, mgr):
mgr.insert(len(mgr.items), "baz", np.zeros(N, dtype=bool))
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("baz"), np.repeat("foo", N))
idx = mgr.items.get_loc("baz")
assert mgr.iget(idx).dtype == np.object_
mgr2 = mgr.consolidate()
mgr2.iset(mgr2.items.get_loc("baz"), np.repeat("foo", N))
idx = mgr2.items.get_loc("baz")
assert mgr2.iget(idx).dtype == np.object_
mgr2.insert(len(mgr2.items), "quux", tm.randn(N).astype(int))
idx = mgr2.items.get_loc("quux")
assert mgr2.iget(idx).dtype == np.int_
mgr2.iset(mgr2.items.get_loc("quux"), tm.randn(N))
assert mgr2.iget(idx).dtype == np.float_
def test_copy(self, mgr):
cp = mgr.copy(deep=False)
for blk, cp_blk in zip(mgr.blocks, cp.blocks):
# view assertion
tm.assert_equal(cp_blk.values, blk.values)
if isinstance(blk.values, np.ndarray):
assert cp_blk.values.base is blk.values.base
# DatetimeTZBlock has DatetimeIndex values
assert cp_blk.values._data.base is blk.values._data.base
cp = mgr.copy(deep=True)
for blk, cp_blk in zip(mgr.blocks, cp.blocks):
# copy assertion we either have a None for a base or in case of
# some blocks it is an array (e.g. datetimetz), but was copied
tm.assert_equal(cp_blk.values, blk.values)
if not isinstance(cp_blk.values, np.ndarray):
assert cp_blk.values._data.base is not blk.values._data.base
assert cp_blk.values.base is None and blk.values.base is None
def test_sparse(self):
mgr = create_mgr("a: sparse-1; b: sparse-2")
# what to test here?
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == np.float64
def test_sparse_mixed(self):
mgr = create_mgr("a: sparse-1; b: sparse-2; c: f8")
assert len(mgr.blocks) == 3
assert isinstance(mgr, BlockManager)
# TODO: what to test here?
"mgr_string, dtype",
[("c: f4; d: f2", np.float32), ("c: f4; d: f2; e: f8", np.float64)],
def test_as_array_float(self, mgr_string, dtype):
mgr = create_mgr(mgr_string)
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == dtype
"mgr_string, dtype",
("a: bool-1; b: bool-2", np.bool_),
("a: i8-1; b: i8-2; c: i4; d: i2; e: u1", np.int64),
("c: i4; d: i2; e: u1", np.int32),
def test_as_array_int_bool(self, mgr_string, dtype):
mgr = create_mgr(mgr_string)
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == dtype
def test_as_array_datetime(self):
mgr = create_mgr("h: datetime-1; g: datetime-2")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "M8[ns]"
def test_as_array_datetime_tz(self):
mgr = create_mgr("h: M8[ns, US/Eastern]; g: M8[ns, CET]")
assert mgr.iget(0).dtype == "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]"
assert mgr.iget(1).dtype == "datetime64[ns, CET]"
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("t", ["float16", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"])
def test_astype(self, t):
# coerce all
mgr = create_mgr("c: f4; d: f2; e: f8")
t = np.dtype(t)
tmgr = mgr.astype(t)
assert tmgr.iget(0).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(1).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(2).dtype.type == t
# mixed
mgr = create_mgr("a,b: object; c: bool; d: datetime; e: f4; f: f2; g: f8")
t = np.dtype(t)
tmgr = mgr.astype(t, errors="ignore")
assert tmgr.iget(2).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(4).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(5).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(6).dtype.type == t
assert tmgr.iget(0).dtype.type == np.object_
assert tmgr.iget(1).dtype.type == np.object_
if t != np.int64:
assert tmgr.iget(3).dtype.type == np.datetime64
assert tmgr.iget(3).dtype.type == t
def test_convert(self):
def _compare(old_mgr, new_mgr):
""" compare the blocks, numeric compare ==, object don't """
old_blocks = set(old_mgr.blocks)
new_blocks = set(new_mgr.blocks)
assert len(old_blocks) == len(new_blocks)
# compare non-numeric
for b in old_blocks:
found = False
for nb in new_blocks:
if (b.values == nb.values).all():
found = True
assert found
for b in new_blocks:
found = False
for ob in old_blocks:
if (b.values == ob.values).all():
found = True
assert found
# noops
mgr = create_mgr("f: i8; g: f8")
new_mgr = mgr.convert()
_compare(mgr, new_mgr)
# convert
mgr = create_mgr("a,b,foo: object; f: i8; g: f8")
mgr.iset(0, np.array(["1"] * N, dtype=np.object_))
mgr.iset(1, np.array(["2."] * N, dtype=np.object_))
mgr.iset(2, np.array(["foo."] * N, dtype=np.object_))
new_mgr = mgr.convert(numeric=True)
assert new_mgr.iget(0).dtype == np.int64
assert new_mgr.iget(1).dtype == np.float64
assert new_mgr.iget(2).dtype == np.object_
assert new_mgr.iget(3).dtype == np.int64
assert new_mgr.iget(4).dtype == np.float64
mgr = create_mgr(
"a,b,foo: object; f: i4; bool: bool; dt: datetime; i: i8; g: f8; h: f2"
mgr.iset(0, np.array(["1"] * N, dtype=np.object_))
mgr.iset(1, np.array(["2."] * N, dtype=np.object_))
mgr.iset(2, np.array(["foo."] * N, dtype=np.object_))
new_mgr = mgr.convert(numeric=True)
assert new_mgr.iget(0).dtype == np.int64
assert new_mgr.iget(1).dtype == np.float64
assert new_mgr.iget(2).dtype == np.object_
assert new_mgr.iget(3).dtype == np.int32
assert new_mgr.iget(4).dtype == np.bool_
assert new_mgr.iget(5).dtype.type, np.datetime64
assert new_mgr.iget(6).dtype == np.int64
assert new_mgr.iget(7).dtype == np.float64
assert new_mgr.iget(8).dtype == np.float16
def test_invalid_ea_block(self):
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="block.size != values.size"):
create_mgr("a: category; b: category")
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="block.size != values.size"):
create_mgr("a: category2; b: category2")
def test_interleave(self):
# self
for dtype in ["f8", "i8", "object", "bool", "complex", "M8[ns]", "m8[ns]"]:
mgr = create_mgr(f"a: {dtype}")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == dtype
mgr = create_mgr(f"a: {dtype}; b: {dtype}")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == dtype
"mgr_string, dtype",
("a: category", "i8"),
("a: category; b: category", "i8"),
("a: category; b: category2", "object"),
("a: category2", "object"),
("a: category2; b: category2", "object"),
("a: f8", "f8"),
("a: f8; b: i8", "f8"),
("a: f4; b: i8", "f8"),
("a: f4; b: i8; d: object", "object"),
("a: bool; b: i8", "object"),
("a: complex", "complex"),
("a: f8; b: category", "object"),
("a: M8[ns]; b: category", "object"),
("a: M8[ns]; b: bool", "object"),
("a: M8[ns]; b: i8", "object"),
("a: m8[ns]; b: bool", "object"),
("a: m8[ns]; b: i8", "object"),
("a: M8[ns]; b: m8[ns]", "object"),
def test_interleave_dtype(self, mgr_string, dtype):
# will be converted according the actual dtype of the underlying
mgr = create_mgr("a: category")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "i8"
mgr = create_mgr("a: category; b: category2")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: category2")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
# combinations
mgr = create_mgr("a: f8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "f8"
mgr = create_mgr("a: f8; b: i8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "f8"
mgr = create_mgr("a: f4; b: i8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "f8"
mgr = create_mgr("a: f4; b: i8; d: object")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: bool; b: i8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: complex")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "complex"
mgr = create_mgr("a: f8; b: category")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "f8"
mgr = create_mgr("a: M8[ns]; b: category")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: M8[ns]; b: bool")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: M8[ns]; b: i8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: m8[ns]; b: bool")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: m8[ns]; b: i8")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
mgr = create_mgr("a: M8[ns]; b: m8[ns]")
assert mgr.as_array().dtype == "object"
def test_consolidate_ordering_issues(self, mgr):
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("f"), tm.randn(N))
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("d"), tm.randn(N))
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("b"), tm.randn(N))
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("g"), tm.randn(N))
mgr.iset(mgr.items.get_loc("h"), tm.randn(N))
# we have datetime/tz blocks in mgr
cons = mgr.consolidate()
assert cons.nblocks == 4
cons = mgr.consolidate().get_numeric_data()
assert cons.nblocks == 1
assert isinstance(cons.blocks[0].mgr_locs, BlockPlacement)
cons.blocks[0].mgr_locs.as_array, np.arange(len(cons.items), dtype=np.int64)
def test_reindex_items(self):
# mgr is not consolidated, f8 & f8-2 blocks
mgr = create_mgr("a: f8; b: i8; c: f8; d: i8; e: f8; f: bool; g: f8-2")
reindexed = mgr.reindex_axis(["g", "c", "a", "d"], axis=0)
assert reindexed.nblocks == 2
tm.assert_index_equal(reindexed.items, pd.Index(["g", "c", "a", "d"]))
mgr.iget(6).internal_values(), reindexed.iget(0).internal_values()
mgr.iget(2).internal_values(), reindexed.iget(1).internal_values()
mgr.iget(0).internal_values(), reindexed.iget(2).internal_values()
mgr.iget(3).internal_values(), reindexed.iget(3).internal_values()
def test_get_numeric_data(self):
mgr = create_mgr(
"int: int; float: float; complex: complex;"
"str: object; bool: bool; obj: object; dt: datetime",
mgr.iset(5, np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.object_))
numeric = mgr.get_numeric_data()
numeric.items, pd.Index(["int", "float", "complex", "bool"])
# Check sharing
numeric.iset(numeric.items.get_loc("float"), np.array([100.0, 200.0, 300.0]))
np.array([100.0, 200.0, 300.0]),
numeric2 = mgr.get_numeric_data(copy=True)
numeric.items, pd.Index(["int", "float", "complex", "bool"])
numeric2.items.get_loc("float"), np.array([1000.0, 2000.0, 3000.0])
np.array([100.0, 200.0, 300.0]),
def test_get_bool_data(self):
mgr = create_mgr(
"int: int; float: float; complex: complex;"
"str: object; bool: bool; obj: object; dt: datetime",
mgr.iset(6, np.array([True, False, True], dtype=np.object_))
bools = mgr.get_bool_data()
tm.assert_index_equal(bools.items, pd.Index(["bool"]))
bools.iset(0, np.array([True, False, True]))
np.array([True, False, True]),
# Check sharing
bools2 = mgr.get_bool_data(copy=True)
bools2.iset(0, np.array([False, True, False]))
np.array([True, False, True]),
def test_unicode_repr_doesnt_raise(self):
repr(create_mgr("b,\u05d0: object"))
"mgr_string", ["a,b,c: i8-1; d,e,f: i8-2", "a,a,a: i8-1; b,b,b: i8-2"]
def test_equals(self, mgr_string):
# unique items
bm1 = create_mgr(mgr_string)
bm2 = BlockManager(bm1.blocks[::-1], bm1.axes)
assert bm1.equals(bm2)
"a:i8;b:f8", # basic case
"a:i8;b:f8;c:c8;d:b", # many types
"a:i8;e:dt;f:td;g:string", # more types
"a:i8;b:category;c:category2", # categories
"c:sparse;d:sparse_na;b:f8", # sparse
def test_equals_block_order_different_dtypes(self, mgr_string):
# GH 9330
bm = create_mgr(mgr_string)
block_perms = itertools.permutations(bm.blocks)
for bm_perm in block_perms:
bm_this = BlockManager(bm_perm, bm.axes)
assert bm.equals(bm_this)
assert bm_this.equals(bm)
def test_single_mgr_ctor(self):
mgr = create_single_mgr("f8", num_rows=5)
assert mgr.as_array().tolist() == [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [1, "True", [1, 2, 3], 5.0])
def test_validate_bool_args(self, value):
bm1 = create_mgr("a,b,c: i8-1; d,e,f: i8-2")
msg = (
'For argument "inplace" expected type bool, '
f"received type {type(value).__name__}."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
bm1.replace_list([1], [2], inplace=value)
class TestIndexing:
# Nosetests-style data-driven tests.
# This test applies different indexing routines to block managers and
# compares the outcome to the result of same operations on np.ndarray.
# NOTE: sparse (SparseBlock with fill_value != np.nan) fail a lot of tests
# and are disabled.
create_single_mgr("f8", N),
create_single_mgr("i8", N),
# 2-dim
create_mgr("a,b,c,d,e,f: f8", item_shape=(N,)),
create_mgr("a,b,c,d,e,f: i8", item_shape=(N,)),
create_mgr("a,b: f8; c,d: i8; e,f: string", item_shape=(N,)),
create_mgr("a,b: f8; c,d: i8; e,f: f8", item_shape=(N,)),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mgr", MANAGERS)
def test_get_slice(self, mgr):
def assert_slice_ok(mgr, axis, slobj):
mat = mgr.as_array()
# we maybe using an ndarray to test slicing and
# might not be the full length of the axis
if isinstance(slobj, np.ndarray):
ax = mgr.axes[axis]
if len(ax) and len(slobj) and len(slobj) != len(ax):
slobj = np.concatenate(
[slobj, np.zeros(len(ax) - len(slobj), dtype=bool)]
sliced = mgr.get_slice(slobj, axis=axis)
mat_slobj = (slice(None),) * axis + (slobj,)
mat[mat_slobj], sliced.as_array(), check_dtype=False
tm.assert_index_equal(mgr.axes[axis][slobj], sliced.axes[axis])
assert mgr.ndim <= 2, mgr.ndim
for ax in range(mgr.ndim):
# slice
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, slice(None))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, slice(3))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, slice(100))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, slice(1, 4))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, slice(3, 0, -2))
# boolean mask
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, np.array([], dtype=np.bool_))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, np.ones(mgr.shape[ax], dtype=np.bool_))
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, np.zeros(mgr.shape[ax], dtype=np.bool_))
if mgr.shape[ax] >= 3:
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, np.arange(mgr.shape[ax]) % 3 == 0)
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, np.array([True, True, False], dtype=np.bool_))
# fancy indexer
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, [])
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, list(range(mgr.shape[ax])))
if mgr.shape[ax] >= 3:
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, [0, 1, 2])
assert_slice_ok(mgr, ax, [-1, -2, -3])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mgr", MANAGERS)
def test_take(self, mgr):
def assert_take_ok(mgr, axis, indexer):
mat = mgr.as_array()
taken = mgr.take(indexer, axis)
np.take(mat, indexer, axis), taken.as_array(), check_dtype=False
tm.assert_index_equal(mgr.axes[axis].take(indexer), taken.axes[axis])
for ax in range(mgr.ndim):
# take/fancy indexer
assert_take_ok(mgr, ax, indexer=[])
assert_take_ok(mgr, ax, indexer=[0, 0, 0])
assert_take_ok(mgr, ax, indexer=list(range(mgr.shape[ax])))
if mgr.shape[ax] >= 3:
assert_take_ok(mgr, ax, indexer=[0, 1, 2])
assert_take_ok(mgr, ax, indexer=[-1, -2, -3])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mgr", MANAGERS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fill_value", [None, np.nan, 100.0])
def test_reindex_axis(self, fill_value, mgr):
def assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, axis, new_labels, fill_value):
mat = mgr.as_array()
indexer = mgr.axes[axis].get_indexer_for(new_labels)
reindexed = mgr.reindex_axis(new_labels, axis, fill_value=fill_value)
algos.take_nd(mat, indexer, axis, fill_value=fill_value),
tm.assert_index_equal(reindexed.axes[axis], new_labels)
for ax in range(mgr.ndim):
assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, ax, pd.Index([]), fill_value)
assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax], fill_value)
assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax][[0, 0, 0]], fill_value)
mgr, ax, pd.Index(["foo", "bar", "baz"]), fill_value
mgr, ax, pd.Index(["foo", mgr.axes[ax][0], "baz"]), fill_value
if mgr.shape[ax] >= 3:
assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax][:-3], fill_value)
assert_reindex_axis_is_ok(mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax][-3::-1], fill_value)
mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax][[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], fill_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mgr", MANAGERS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fill_value", [None, np.nan, 100.0])
def test_reindex_indexer(self, fill_value, mgr):
def assert_reindex_indexer_is_ok(mgr, axis, new_labels, indexer, fill_value):
mat = mgr.as_array()
reindexed_mat = algos.take_nd(mat, indexer, axis, fill_value=fill_value)
reindexed = mgr.reindex_indexer(
new_labels, indexer, axis, fill_value=fill_value
reindexed_mat, reindexed.as_array(), check_dtype=False
tm.assert_index_equal(reindexed.axes[axis], new_labels)
for ax in range(mgr.ndim):
assert_reindex_indexer_is_ok(mgr, ax, pd.Index([]), [], fill_value)
mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax], np.arange(mgr.shape[ax]), fill_value
pd.Index(["foo"] * mgr.shape[ax]),
mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax][::-1], np.arange(mgr.shape[ax]), fill_value,
mgr, ax, mgr.axes[ax], np.arange(mgr.shape[ax])[::-1], fill_value,
mgr, ax, pd.Index(["foo", "bar", "baz"]), [0, 0, 0], fill_value
mgr, ax, pd.Index(["foo", "bar", "baz"]), [-1, 0, -1], fill_value,
pd.Index(["foo", mgr.axes[ax][0], "baz"]),
[-1, -1, -1],
if mgr.shape[ax] >= 3:
mgr, ax, pd.Index(["foo", "bar", "baz"]), [0, 1, 2], fill_value,
class TestBlockPlacement:
"slc, expected",
(slice(0, 4), 4),
(slice(0, 4, 2), 2),
(slice(0, 3, 2), 2),
(slice(0, 1, 2), 1),
(slice(1, 0, -1), 1),
def test_slice_len(self, slc, expected):
assert len(BlockPlacement(slc)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("slc", [slice(1, 1, 0), slice(1, 2, 0)])
def test_zero_step_raises(self, slc):
msg = "slice step cannot be zero"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
slice(None, None),
slice(10, None),
slice(None, None, -1),
slice(None, 10, -1),
# These are "unbounded" because negative index will
# change depending on container shape.
slice(-1, None),
slice(None, -1),
slice(-1, -1),
slice(-1, None, -1),
slice(None, -1, -1),
slice(-1, -1, -1),
def test_unbounded_slice_raises(self, slc):
msg = "unbounded slice"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
slice(0, 0),
slice(100, 0),
slice(100, 100),
slice(100, 100, -1),
slice(0, 100, -1),
def test_not_slice_like_slices(self, slc):
assert not BlockPlacement(slc).is_slice_like
"arr, slc",
([0], slice(0, 1, 1)),
([100], slice(100, 101, 1)),
([0, 1, 2], slice(0, 3, 1)),
([0, 5, 10], slice(0, 15, 5)),
([0, 100], slice(0, 200, 100)),
([2, 1], slice(2, 0, -1)),
def test_array_to_slice_conversion(self, arr, slc):
assert BlockPlacement(arr).as_slice == slc
[-1, -2, -3],
[-1, 0, 1, 2],
[-2, 0, 2, 4],
[1, 0, -1],
[1, 1, 1],
def test_not_slice_like_arrays(self, arr):
assert not BlockPlacement(arr).is_slice_like
"slc, expected",
[(slice(0, 3), [0, 1, 2]), (slice(0, 0), []), (slice(3, 0), [])],
def test_slice_iter(self, slc, expected):
assert list(BlockPlacement(slc)) == expected
"slc, arr",
(slice(0, 3), [0, 1, 2]),
(slice(0, 0), []),
(slice(3, 0), []),
(slice(3, 0, -1), [3, 2, 1]),
def test_slice_to_array_conversion(self, slc, arr):
BlockPlacement(slc).as_array, np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.int64)
def test_blockplacement_add(self):
bpl = BlockPlacement(slice(0, 5))
assert bpl.add(1).as_slice == slice(1, 6, 1)
assert bpl.add(np.arange(5)).as_slice == slice(0, 10, 2)
assert list(bpl.add(np.arange(5, 0, -1))) == [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
"val, inc, expected",
(slice(0, 0), 0, []),
(slice(1, 4), 0, [1, 2, 3]),
(slice(3, 0, -1), 0, [3, 2, 1]),
([1, 2, 4], 0, [1, 2, 4]),
(slice(0, 0), 10, []),
(slice(1, 4), 10, [11, 12, 13]),
(slice(3, 0, -1), 10, [13, 12, 11]),
([1, 2, 4], 10, [11, 12, 14]),
(slice(0, 0), -1, []),
(slice(1, 4), -1, [0, 1, 2]),
([1, 2, 4], -1, [0, 1, 3]),
def test_blockplacement_add_int(self, val, inc, expected):
assert list(BlockPlacement(val).add(inc)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [slice(1, 4), [1, 2, 4]])
def test_blockplacement_add_int_raises(self, val):
msg = "iadd causes length change"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
class DummyElement:
def __init__(self, value, dtype):
self.value = value
self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
def __array__(self):
return np.array(self.value, dtype=self.dtype)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"DummyElement({self.value}, {self.dtype})"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def astype(self, dtype, copy=False):
self.dtype = dtype
return self
def view(self, dtype):
return type(self)(self.value.view(dtype), dtype)
def any(self, axis=None):
return bool(self.value)
class TestCanHoldElement:
def test_datetime_block_can_hold_element(self):
block = create_block("datetime", [0])
# We will check that block._can_hold_element iff arr.__setitem__ works
arr = pd.array(block.values.ravel())
# coerce None
assert block._can_hold_element(None)
arr[0] = None
assert arr[0] is pd.NaT
# coerce different types of datetime objects
vals = [np.datetime64("2010-10-10"), datetime(2010, 10, 10)]
for val in vals:
assert block._can_hold_element(val)
arr[0] = val
val = date(2010, 10, 10)
assert not block._can_hold_element(val)
msg = (
"'value' should be a 'Timestamp', 'NaT', "
"or array of those. Got 'date' instead."
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
arr[0] = val
"value, dtype",
(1, "i8"),
(1.0, "f8"),
(2 ** 63, "f8"),
(1j, "complex128"),
(2 ** 63, "complex128"),
(True, "bool"),
(np.timedelta64(20, "ns"), "<m8[ns]"),
(np.datetime64(20, "ns"), "<M8[ns]"),
ids=lambda x: x.__name__,
def test_binop_other(self, op, value, dtype):
skip = {
(operator.add, "bool"),
(operator.sub, "bool"),
(operator.mul, "bool"),
(operator.truediv, "bool"),
(operator.mod, "i8"),
(operator.mod, "complex128"),
(operator.pow, "bool"),
if (op, dtype) in skip:
pytest.skip(f"Invalid combination {op},{dtype}")
e = DummyElement(value, dtype)
s = pd.DataFrame({"A": [e.value, e.value]}, dtype=e.dtype)
invalid = {
(operator.pow, "<M8[ns]"),
(operator.mod, "<M8[ns]"),
(operator.truediv, "<M8[ns]"),
(operator.mul, "<M8[ns]"),
(operator.add, "<M8[ns]"),
(operator.pow, "<m8[ns]"),
(operator.mul, "<m8[ns]"),
if (op, dtype) in invalid:
msg = (
if (dtype == "<M8[ns]" and op == operator.add)
or (dtype == "<m8[ns]" and op == operator.mul)
else (
f"cannot perform __{op.__name__}__ with this "
"index type: (DatetimeArray|TimedeltaArray)"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
op(s, e.value)
# FIXME: Since dispatching to Series, this test no longer
# asserts anything meaningful
result = op(s, e.value).dtypes
expected = op(s, value).dtypes
tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
class TestShouldStore:
def test_should_store_categorical(self):
cat = pd.Categorical(["A", "B", "C"])
df = pd.DataFrame(cat)
blk = df._mgr.blocks[0]
# matching dtype
assert blk.should_store(cat)
assert blk.should_store(cat[:-1])
# different dtype
assert not blk.should_store(cat.as_ordered())
# ndarray instead of Categorical
assert not blk.should_store(np.asarray(cat))
"typestr, holder",
("category", Categorical),
("M8[ns]", DatetimeArray),
("M8[ns, US/Central]", DatetimeArray),
("m8[ns]", TimedeltaArray),
("sparse", SparseArray),
def test_holder(typestr, holder):
blk = create_block(typestr, [1])
assert blk._holder is holder
def test_validate_ndim():
values = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
placement = slice(2)
msg = r"Wrong number of dimensions. values.ndim != ndim \[1 != 2\]"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
make_block(values, placement, ndim=2)
def test_block_shape():
idx = pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
a = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).reindex(idx)
b = pd.Series(pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3])).reindex(idx)
assert a._mgr.blocks[0].mgr_locs.indexer == b._mgr.blocks[0].mgr_locs.indexer
def test_make_block_no_pandas_array():
# https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/24866
arr = pd.arrays.PandasArray(np.array([1, 2]))
# PandasArray, no dtype
result = make_block(arr, slice(len(arr)))
assert result.is_integer is True
assert result.is_extension is False
# PandasArray, PandasDtype
result = make_block(arr, slice(len(arr)), dtype=arr.dtype)
assert result.is_integer is True
assert result.is_extension is False
# ndarray, PandasDtype
result = make_block(arr.to_numpy(), slice(len(arr)), dtype=arr.dtype)
assert result.is_integer is True
assert result.is_extension is False
def test_dataframe_not_equal():
# see GH28839
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": ["s", "d"]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"a": ["s", "d"], "b": [1, 2]})
assert df1.equals(df2) is False
def test_missing_unicode_key():
df = DataFrame({"a": [1]})
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="\u05d0"):
df.loc[:, "\u05d0"] # should not raise UnicodeEncodeError
def test_set_change_dtype_slice():
# GH#8850
cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("1st", "a"), ("2nd", "b"), ("3rd", "c")])
df = DataFrame([[1.0, 2, 3], [4.0, 5, 6]], columns=cols)
df["2nd"] = df["2nd"] * 2.0
blocks = df._to_dict_of_blocks()
assert sorted(blocks.keys()) == ["float64", "int64"]
blocks["float64"], DataFrame([[1.0, 4.0], [4.0, 10.0]], columns=cols[:2])
tm.assert_frame_equal(blocks["int64"], DataFrame([[3], [6]], columns=cols[2:]))
def test_interleave_non_unique_cols():
df = DataFrame(
[[pd.Timestamp("20130101"), 3.5], [pd.Timestamp("20130102"), 4.5]],
columns=["x", "x"],
index=[1, 2],
df_unique = df.copy()
df_unique.columns = ["x", "y"]
assert df_unique.values.shape == df.values.shape
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(df_unique.values[0], df.values[0])
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(df_unique.values[1], df.values[1])
def test_single_block_manager_fastpath_deprecated():
# GH#33092
ser = pd.Series(range(3))
blk = ser._data.blocks[0]
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
SingleBlockManager(blk, ser.index, fastpath=True)